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Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Pitchford and Mrs.Latham

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Pitchford and Mrs.Latham"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Pitchford and Mrs.Latham
Year 3 Summer Term Should you have any questions about this term or year ahead please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Pitchford and Mrs.Latham

2 Literacy Numeracy Science Fiction and Poetry Humorous poetry Limericks
Postcards First person account Adventure stories. Non-Fiction Information leaflet Posters. Letters. Presentation focus Continue with correct letter formation. Introduce joined handwriting. Geometry - properties of shapes. Measures – Mass and capacity. Number patterns and sequences Roman numerals Fractions Time (analogue and digital) Angles and position < > = symbols Statistics Multiplication and division. Recapping 4 operations. Numeracy Useful websites to help your child: Science How does Usain Bolt run so fast? -human body -eating healthy -other animals

3 I.C.T. RE Art/DT Music History and Geography PSHE P.E.
We are opinion pollsters. - Also typing, word document and PowerPoint skills. Why do people pray? What does it mean to be a Christian today? RE Art/DT Music Sing in Echo. Improvise instrumental and percussion accompaniments. Choreograph actions reminiscent of music style. Rhythm. Think of lyrics to add to a song. Paint in the style of pointillism. Sketching movement – running. Design and make an air raid shelter. Design and make VE cards. History and Geography History of Blackpool World War II PSHE What is a drug? How can I keep myself fit and healthy? (Health and Wellbeing) P.E. Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastics Dance Skittle ball Cricket

4 Homework Clubs P.E. Kit Keep up the good work Year 3!!!
Homework is given out on Friday and is to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Daily reading of reading book if possible– please could parents ask their child questions about what they have read e.g. what do you think will happen next?, why did that character do that? etc.. Children have individual spelling lists to learn and will be tested on these spellings following schools time table. They then receive the next set of words to learn, once they have passed. Times tables test is every week, please help your child to learn their relevant times table. Clubs Children will be informed of any lunchtime/early morning or after school clubs when they begin. P.E. Kit P.E. kit should be in school at all times. (red/white t-shirt and black shorts – black pumps and trainers (for outdoor). Please also send in a dark coloured track-suit. P.E. kits will be sent home for washing at the end of every half term. Keep up the good work Year 3!!!

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