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CD4 expressing CD161 and CD8 expressing CD161int are preserved in CVID

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1 CD4 expressing CD161 and CD8 expressing CD161int are preserved in CVID
CD4 expressing CD161 and CD8 expressing CD161int are preserved in CVID. Gating strategy for CD161+ CD4 T cells and CD161int CD8 T cells (A). CD4 expressing CD161 and CD8 expressing CD161int are preserved in CVID. Gating strategy for CD161+ CD4 T cells and CD161int CD8 T cells (A). Frequency (B) and absolute count (C) of CD4 T cells expressing CD161, and frequency (D) and absolute count (E) of CD8 T cells expressing intermediate levels of CD161 in healthy controls (n = 22), treatment-naive (n = 15), and IVIg-treated CVID patients [(B and D) n = 11; (C and E) n = 7]. The lines and whiskers represent the median and interquartile range respectively. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Dominic Paquin-Proulx et al. ImmunoHorizons 2017;1: Copyright © 2017 The Authors

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