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Hipk induces hemocyte-derived melanotic tumors.

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1 Hipk induces hemocyte-derived melanotic tumors.
Hipk induces hemocyte-derived melanotic tumors. (A) A control dpp>GFP third instar larva. (B) Stationary melanized masses are observed in 65% of dpp>HA-hipk3M+GFP+GFP larvae (blue arrowheads; n=40). (C) dpp>P35 larvae show no tumors. (D) The masses persist when apoptotic cell death is inhibited in dpp>HA-hipk3M+P35+GFP larvae. (E) The abdomen of a control hml>GFP fly. (F) Melanized tumors are present in hml>HA-hipk3M flies (blue arrowheads). Spermathecae were not counted (magenta arrowhead). Smears of total hemolymph collected from (G) hml>2xGFP and (H) hml>HA-hipk3M+GFP third instar larvae. (I) Quantification of the number of tumors scored from dissected abdomens of flies shown in (E) and (F), n=36 for both groups. (J) Quantification of mean number of hemocytes per defined sampling area counted from genotypes in (G) and (H). Each data point represents the mean of five cell counts from one larva, hml>GFP+LacZ (n=16 samples, n=80 cell counts) and hml>HA-hipk3M+GFP (n=16 samples, n=80 cell counts), ****P< Jessica A. Blaquiere et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2018;11:dmm031146 © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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