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Slit and Slot Interchange

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Presentation on theme: "Slit and Slot Interchange"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slit and Slot Interchange
Four slit/slot selections available EUV line spectroscopy - Slits - 1 arcsec  512 arcsec slit - best spectral resolution - 2 arcsec  512 arcsec slit - higher throughput EUV Imaging – Slots Overlappogram; velocity information overlapped 40 arcsec  512 arcsec slot - imaging with little overlap 250 arcsec  512 arcsec slot - detecting transient events

2 EIS Field-of-View (FOV)
512  900  Raster-scan range Shift of FOV center with coarse-mirror motion 250  slot 40  360  512  EIS Slit Maximum FOV for raster observation

3 The first 3 months…. Flare trigger and dynamics: Spatial determination of evaporation and turbulence in a flare Active region heating: Spatial determination of the velocity field in active region loops Quiet Sun and coronal hole boundary: Determination of the relationship between different categories of quiet Sun events. The observing time will be split evenly between the topics. If there is an active region we will track it otherwise we will observe quiet Sun and coronal holes for long periods of time (at least 12 hrs). When there is an active region we will track it, and if there is highly sheared magnetic field then we will go into flare trigger mode to respond to XRT's trigger. If there are no active regions but there is a quiet prominence we concentrate on this.

4 Active Regions connect the photospheric velocity field to the signatures of coronal heating. This will allow us to determine the dominant heating mechanism in active regions, and will be extended to other coronal brightenings. search for evidence of waves in loops and make use of observations for coronal seismology study dynamic phenomena within active region loops.

5 Quiet Sun link quiet Sun brightenings and explosive events to the magnetic field changes in the network and inter-network to understand the origin of these events. determine the variation of explosive events and blinkers with temperature. Search for evidence of reconnection and flows at junctions between open and closed magnetic field at coronal hole boundaries. Determine the impact of quiet Sun events on larger scale structures within the corona. Determine physical size scales using density diagnostics.

6 Solar Flares determine the source and location of flaring and identify the source of energy for flares. EIS will measure the velocity fields and observe coronal structures with temperature information. Hence will allow us to address the trigger mechanism. detection of reconnection inflows, outflows and the associated turbulence which play the pivotal role in flare particle acceleration.

7 Coronal Mass Ejections
determine the location of dimming (and the subsequent velocities) in various magnetic configurations allowing us to determine the magnetic environment that leads to a coronal mass ejection. The situations to be studied include filaments, flaring active regions and trans-equatorial loops.

8 Large Scale Structures
determine the temperature and velocity structure in a coronal streamer determine the velocity field and temperature change of a trans-equatorial loop, and search for evidence of large-scale reconnection. Using a low-latitude coronal hole, search for evidence of the fast solar wind.

9 Information is maintained on our website;
The EIS science planning guide shows details of the 3 month plan studies including line choices, which slit/slot, FOV etc. These studies can be used as a basis for your own studies, or you can make your own.

10 Data Policy The observations recorded during the first six months of operations, which includes the commissioning phase and initial operations, will be released at the end of six months. This period of restricted data release is designed to allow the instrument team’s adequate time to implement and test the data processing and dissemination systems. Limited blocks of data will be released to provide the wider scientific community with an opportunity to interface with the database and to provide feedback to the Solar-B team prior to the full release of data. After the first six months all observations will be made available to the scientific community as soon as they are received and processed at ISAS.

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