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The effects of recombinant-eSRS21 (r-eSRS21) on 11-ketotestosterone-induced spermatogenesis in Japanese eel in vitro. The effects of recombinant-eSRS21.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of recombinant-eSRS21 (r-eSRS21) on 11-ketotestosterone-induced spermatogenesis in Japanese eel in vitro. The effects of recombinant-eSRS21."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of recombinant-eSRS21 (r-eSRS21) on 11-ketotestosterone-induced spermatogenesis in Japanese eel in vitro. The effects of recombinant-eSRS21 (r-eSRS21) on 11-ketotestosterone-induced spermatogenesis in Japanese eel in vitro. (A-D) Microphotographs show the testicular sections from fragments cultured in basal medium alone (A), and with r-eSRS21 (B), 11-ketotestosterone (C) and r-eSRS21 and 11-ketotestosterone together (D). GA and GB indicate type A spermatogonia and late type B spermatogonia, respectively. Scale bar: 50 μm. (E) BrdU index. The number of positively immunoreacted germ cells is expressed as a percentage of the total number of germ cells. IC, initial controls; 11-KT, 11-ketotestosterone. Results are given as the mean±s.e.m. Values with the same lowercase letter(s) are not significantly different (P<0.05). Takeshi Miura et al. Development 2002;129: © 2002.

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