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The basic ideas of geography

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1 The basic ideas of geography
Core units: Key understandings Years F–4 Illustration 1: Pointers to understanding

2 What are the basic ideas of geography
What are the basic ideas of geography? What things does a primary teacher need to keep in mind?

3 Geography is about … The physical environment of the earth’s surface
The human patterns on the earth’s surface The interactions between physical and human processes The results of these, such as distinctive regions, resource uses, food production, inequalities, hazards, conservation etc

4 Two key strands of geography
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding Geographical Inquiry and Skills

5 Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge of places, environments, patterns, interactions at a range of scales Understanding of causes and relationships between geographical concepts

6 Geographical Inquiry and Skills
A process of inquiry by which students learn new geographical knowledge and deepen their understanding Fieldwork as well as research and critical thinking Key skills of observation, mapping, graphing, tabulating, photographing, interpreting, presenting, communicating

7 Inquiry process Observing and questioning
Planning, collecting and evaluating Processing, analysing, interpreting and concluding Communicating Reflecting and responding

8 What is physical geography?
Landforms Weather and climate Ecosystems – plants, animals and soils Environmental hazards

9 What is human geography?
Population patterns Cities and settlements Agriculture and industries Resources and their uses

10 What is regional or local geography?
Each place has a distinctive set of characteristics These characteristics usually result from physical/human interactions There is a hierarchy of regions from local to global There are spatial patterns of similar place and regional characteristics

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