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Regional and Bilateral cooperation instruments

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1 Regional and Bilateral cooperation instruments
for the ENP-South countries The Post-Medstat Framework Update March 2013 Jose L. CERVERA-FERRI NOM Prénom Fonction

2 The current MEDSTAT cooperation framework
Project-based approach of MEDSTAT I, II and III Task Forces to prepare working programmes Work programme to be validated by the Directors Committee Country coordination by Principal National Coordinators Strong implication of team of Key Experts 2

3 The transition towards a renewed post-MEDSTAT cooperation framework
MEDSTAT III to prepare the transition to the post-Medstat framework for regional Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in statistics: Proposal for a regional strategy DONE Discussion and adoption of the strategy by the DC DONE Proposal for an organizational framework DONE Proposal for scope and functioning of Euro-Mediterranean Working Groups in priority sectors Exploratory meeting on Energy Statistics DONE First proposal for WG on Energy Statistics DONE First proposal for WG on Transport Statistics DONE (adding an estimate of budget) First proposal for WG Quality DONE (by Eurostat) First drafts for other sectors ONGOING 3

4 The Regional Cooperation Strategy
Regional strategy approved by the Directors Committee (Athens, May 2012) aiming at: OBJECTIVE 1: Continuous improvement of official statistics for decision-making in Med countries OBJECTIVE 2: Increased technical and management capacities of human resources of the national statistical systems of MED countries OBJECTIVE 3: Empowerment of users of statistics with data and tools to meet information needs for the economic and social expectations in the region OBJECTIVE 4: A comprehensive and sustainable framework for the design, implementation, and steering of the EU-MED cooperation in statistics 4

5 Objective 4: Organisational features of the post-MEDSTAT cooperation framework
High-level Forum of Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians First Conference to be held on May 2013 Permanent Secretariat of the Forum To be hosted by Eurostat Thematic Working Groups on priority sectors Proposals: Labour, Energy, Migration, Trade, Transport, Business statistics, Training, Quality in Statistics 5

6 Organization of Working Groups: issues to be discussed
Mandate Scope of work Functioning arrangements Budget for work programme Identification of sources of financing (including in-kind through expertise) 6

7 Organization of thematic sector Working Groups as of March 2013
Chair Proposed scope Transport Statistics Chair: Morocco (Direction de la Statistique) Support for the collection and compilation of primary data on transport; Development and production of transport data (covering all modes); of data on transport costs and transport satellite account; Support for conducting surveys on road freight and passenger transport and other specific surveys Data storage (statistical databases); Development and production of composite indicators Dissemination of transport data, preparation of regular analytical reports; Energy Statistics Co-chairing (Tunisia/ Morocco) Exchange of know-how on primary and secondary collection, data processing and storage Reporting: energy balances, indicators (security, EE, sustainable development), prices and tariffs Dissemination and analysis: “Energy Data Centre” Contribute to international coordination (Eurostat, UN, IEA, Oslo Group, etc.) Trade Statistics Potential candidate: Morocco (Office des Changes) Implementation and improvement of methodologies at the regional and international levels Improve trade and BoP statistics Provide a forum for exchange Supervise the collection and dissemination of statistics from the region Ensure the coordination among and the cooperation with international organizations active in this topic Develop synergies with other Euro-Mediterranean WGs 7

8 Prospects for the regional cooperation
A number of working groups will hold annual meetings and will prepare a working programme for 2 years ( ) Activities will be implemented under the leadership of one of the parties (EU, Mediterranean countries) and in some cases with “variable geometry”(interested countries) EU contribution under the renewed ENPI policy in discussion It is expected that MED countries contribute to the implementation of activities: Work of experts from MED countries Hosting meetings, study visits... 8

9 Thank you  شكرا  Merci

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