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Unit 5 Day 3 Lab Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Day 3 Lab Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Day 3 Lab Results

2 Warm Up Get out your lab procedure and turn to the back , where there are 4 petri dishes drawn.

3 Agenda Lab results In depth look at the procedure Start lab report: due on Tuesday!!!!

4 Lab Results Look at your bacteria For the amount of growth!
If there is glowing! (use UV light) Draw results in lab procedure Return bacteria to incubator and wash your hands!!

5 Lab Report Look at today’s ppt on website to get additional information (start on slide 6- we are in the genetics unit) Go to google classroom to see requirements for lab report and begin writing! DUE TUESDAY- assessment grade

6 Reasons for performing each transformation step
Ca++ O CH2 P Base OH Sugar Transformation solution = CaCl2 Positive charge of Ca+2 ions shields negative charge of DNA phosphates

7 Reasons, cont. Incubation on ice slows fluid cell membranes
Heat-shock increases permeability of cell membrane Nutrient broth incubation allows beta lactamase expression GFP Cell wall Beta lactamase (ampicillin resistance)

8 Aequorea victoria

9 The Experiment We are going to use a manufactured plasmid to attempt to transform E.Coli Plasmid? Small circular piece of DNA found in bacteria Separate from main chromosome Transform?

10 Plasmid genes? The plasmid contains The inducible ara operon
Three genes: ara C: codes for repressor protein GFP: codes for a protein that glows in the dark bla: codes for a protein that provides resistance to ampicillin (an antibiotic) pGLO ori bla GFP araC

11 Arabinose (ara) operon
When arabinose is present: It binds to repressor Turns gene on (repressor released from operator) Transcription and translation take place In the pGlo plasmid, the normal arabinose genes have been replaced (using gene splicing) with the GFP gene Since arabinose is the co-repressor: Arabinose present=glowing bacteria (if they have the plasmid)

12 Gene Regulation RNA Polymerase araC ara GFP Operon GFP Gene ara Operon
B A D Co-Repressor (Arabinose) Co-Repressor (Arabinose) araC B A D RNA Polymerase araC B A D

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