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managing a health promotion label

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1 managing a health promotion label
6 years of experience in the north of France NIGHTS 2018

2 The beginning In 2011, the Quality Nights label is launched in Lille.
Spiritek becomes a local operator for Modus Vivendi (Brussels) and 4 clubs receive the label. But the fact is: people in Lille more often go to bars than they go to clubs and there are many more bars than clubs in the city. Problems: the Quality Nights label is meant for clubs. Bars can’t be part of it and criteria aren’t completely suited to our reality at the time.

3 adaptation We need to adapt an existing project to our territory
2011: Contextual analysis and observations are made 4 focus groups: Bar users under 25 years old Bar users over 25 years old Bar owners/managers Police, first aid teams, representatives of the city

4 New criteria, new name, same culture
Free condoms (or inexpensive) Free water Free earplugs (or inexpensive) 50% of the staff trained Information about health and drugs Early warnings Free water Free condoms, earplugs and alcohol tests (or inexpensive) Information leaflets about health, drugs, sexuality,… Visible sign with emergency numbers, taxis, metro/bus schedules, … Focus on non-alcoholic beverages: at least one has to be less expensive than alcohol and/or non-alcoholic beverages are « advertised » 2/3 of the staff trained

5 The development 7 bars get the label in 2012 8 bars get it in 2013
2014: Financial support shifts from the city of Lille to the Conseil Départemental (small region): Duinkirk joins the label with 4 bars. (2 bars in Lille) 2015: 2 bars in a new city: Valenciennes 2016: Quality Nights and Quality Bar merge into one label. 2017: Financial support shifts from small region to big region: Arras joins the label with 5 bars

6 difficulties and Responses
Difficulty: Finding and maintaining financial support Response: finding a political ally (city, region), depends on what’s happening at the time (opportunity) Some reluctance of bar owners regarding criteria such as free water Explaining the criteria lists, showing how they already do most of it and how we’ll help for the rest Investment in the label can fluctuate Keep close contact with managers and staff, unsign bars that don’t fulfill the criteria Training staff members: managers don’t always want to pay their staff to be trained. Be extra open about dates and locations, go to the bars to train the staff

7 WHAT works? Press conference Goodies

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