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Warm Up: Fill out your Table of Contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Fill out your Table of Contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Fill out your Table of Contents.
Tape “cultural interactions” on page 38. Read the information carefully, highlight or underline. Divide page 37 into 3 sections. Draw a picture to represent how each country of explorers interacted with Native Americans!

2 Spanish

3 French

4 English

5 Conflict and Cooperation

6 Agenda: Work on essays Pass out Exploration Study Guide

7 Steps to Completing Your Essay:
Finish outline Begin writing Read your essay OUT LOUD to yourself, correct any mistakes Peer edit/adult edit


9 Adding quotations to your essay:
In an essay, you may not EVER copy someone else’s work. If you would like to add a direct quote from their writing, do it this way: Introduce quote Show quote Explain why it is important In his book, A Young People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn writes, “_____________________.” This shows…

10 Peer Editing: 2 stars and a wish! Tell your partner 2 things you liked about their essay and one thing you wish they had done.

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