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By: Inigo Gabriel Gutierrez

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1 By: Inigo Gabriel Gutierrez
Presentation slide for courses, classes, lectures et al. Local wind patterns i By: Inigo Gabriel Gutierrez

2 Concept Conduction: The transfer of heat through
matter by molecular activity. Convection: The transfer of heat by mass movement or circulation within a substance. Radiation: The heat-transfer mechanism by which solar energy reached our planet Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.

3 Heat Transfer A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

4 Application of Convection
CONVECTION CELLS In fluid dynamics, it is the phenomenon that occurs when density differences exist within a body of liquid or gas. Circular pattern created by the rising of warmed fluid and the sinking of the cooled fluid Important process of convection in the air, water, or even the solid earth

5 Application of Convection
Convection cells establish themselves due to the pressure gradient with latitude and altitude. The flow of air due to pressure differences generates winds. This heat-driven motion of air moves heat around in the atmosphere. It is also responsible for making the wind blow.

6 Factors Affecting Radiation
Albedo The fraction of the total radiation that is reflected by a surface. Important during the spring and summer to prevent sea ice from melting Infrared Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum It can be detected as a sensation of warmth on the skin Relative vocabulary list.

7 Factors Affecting Radiation
Specific Heat Amount of energy to raise1 gram of a substance Specific heat water requires a great deal more heat to raise its temperature the same amount as an equal quantity of land. Thermals Column of rising air in the lower altitudes of Earth’s atmosphere. Created by the uneven heating of Earth's surface from solar radiation Can be found at urban areas, and roadways Relative vocabulary list.

8 Why does Hot air rise and Cold air sink?
Temperature The average kinetic energy of a material’s atoms or molecules. Present while temperature is the intensity or the degree of hotness. Kinetic Energy Energy of motion. Atoms and molecules that are constantly in motion possesses kinetic energy Density Changes in Density moves matter Process is called Convection Relative vocabulary list.

9 Why does Hot air rise and Cold air sink?
On, Earth air near the ground is warmer than in the air where it is colder Hot air is lighter than cold air Example graph/chart.

10 References Earth Science, 13th edition by Trabuck et al., 2012
pp p 521 pp p 549 weather/atmospheric/weather5.htm /cf_xsect.html _lsop_video.html An opportunity for questions and discussions.

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