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Mobile Phone & Mobile Ref Design
Ingrid Kugler Gareth Williams Nov 2010
Mobile Phone & Mobile Ref Design Content
Challenges in mobile applications Block diagram example Best Products for Power Management Signal Path Small Signal Circuits
Challenges in portable applications
Battery lifetime works as long as possible without charging Time-to-market launch product fast to be ahead of competition Size small, smaller, smallest with many features Fairchild is #1 in all areas
Challenges in portable applications Battery lifetime
Improved Power Management Efficiency Dynamic / Noise Performance Fairchild is #1 in all areas Fairchild Solutions: 6MHz DC/DC buck converters: FAN5362 Load switches with protection functions: FPF2195 MOSFETs in small packages with optimized thermal performance: FDZ392NZ
Challenges in portable applications Size
Fast switching DC/DC converters Advanced Package Solutions 3MHz 6MHz 10mm2 16mm2 MLP WL-CSP MicroPAK uModule Fairchild is #1 in all areas High Integration Level USB Switches with charger detection: FSUSB4x Load switches with protection functions: OVP, UVLO, OTP IntelliMAX FPF21xx, FPF11xx uModule: fully integrated buck, no external components required FAN4603
Challenges in portable applications Time-to-market
Design Support App. Notes Simulation Tools Eval Boards Fairchild is #1 in all areas
Mobile Phone & Mobile Ref Design Content
Challenges in mobile applications Block diagram example Best Products for Power Management Signal Path Small Signal Circuits
Mobile Phone Block Diagram
1 3 2 2 1) Power Management RF DC/DC: FAN5904 Memory Supply: FAN5362 DC/DC Buck: FAN536x / FAN5354 DC/DC Boost: FAN4860 Battery Charger: FAN5400 Load Switches: IntelliMAX FPFxxxx MOS FDMAxxxx / FDZ xxxx LED Driver: FAN57xx 2) MultiMedia & Audio Switches FSAxx Speaker Amp FPAxx Translators FXMA2102, FXMA34 Reset timer FT8010 3) USB Switches FSUSBxx Transceiver FUSBxx Accessory Switch FSA800
Mobile Phone & Mobile Ref Design Content
Challenges in mobile applications Block diagram example Best Products for Power Management MOSFET IntelliMAX DC/DC (Buck, Boost, uModule) Battery Charging LED drivers Signal Path USB Switches / Transceiver Audio Switches Data Switches uSerDes LVDS Application specific small signal ICs Small Signal Circuits
Best Products for Power Management MOSFET
USB / Wall Adaptor LED Booster Single N N-FETKY Charging FETs Single P Dual P P-FETKY Boost load Switch Single N Power Selectors Single P Dual P P-FETKY Load + Load Battery Protection Switches Dual N Single N Load Switch Load Controller Buck Converter P+N Combo Dual N Single N Load Switch Load - Battery Pack Power Path Switch Single / Dual P Level Shifted L/S
Best Products for Power Management MOSFET
WL-CSP 20V/ 30V n-ch/ p-ch Single / dual comm. Drain all 1.8V 4.5V from 50mW to 125mW Qg < 30nC max ID up to 7.5A MicroFET 20V/ 30V n-ch/ p-ch Single / dual / compl pair all 1.8V 4.5V from 30mW to 150mW Qg < 15nC max ID up to 4.5A Power Path/ Battery Switch Applications Why? To turn off modules that are not in use Eliminate unnecessary energy consumption and leakage current Basic Benefits: Save energy Prolong battery life
Best Products for Power Management MOSFET
Part Number Package Polarity BVDSS Config. RDS(ON) Max VGS = Qg Typ. (nC) ID (A) Min. (V) 4.5V 2.5V 1.8V @VGS=5V FDMA1028NZ MicroFET N 20 Dual 0.037 0.05 - 4 3.7 FDME1024NZT 0.066 0.086 0.113 3 3.8 FDME410NZT Single 0.026 0.031 0.039 9.2 7 FDMA420NZ 0.03 0.04 8.8 5.7 FDMA430NZ 30 7.3 5 FDME1034CZT N|P 20|-20 Complementary .066|.142 .086|.213 .113|.331 3|5.5 3.8|2.6 FDMA1032CZ .068|.095 .086|.141 4|7 3.7|3.1 FDMA6023PZT P -20 0.06 0.08 0.11 12 3.6 FDMA1023PZ 0.072 0.095 0.13 8.6 FDMA1029PZ 0.141 3.1 FDMA1027PT 0.12 0.16 0.24 FDME1023PZT 0.142 0.213 0.331 5.5 2.6 FDMA1025P 0.155 0.22 3.4 FDMA507PZ 0.025 0.035 7.8 FDMA520PZ 0.053 14 FDME510PZT 0.065 16 6 FDMA3023PZ -30 0.09 0.17 7.9 2.9 FDMA530PZ 6.8 FDZ372NZ WL-CSP 4.7 FDZ1905PZ Dual Common Drain 0.126 0.198 FDZ371PZ 0.075 FDZ375P 0.078 0.092 0.112 11 FDZ391P 0.085 0.123 9
Best Products for Power Management IntelliMAXTM
Save Power Disconnect the load from the supply to save leakage, off-state power drain. Reduce In-Rush and Overshoot Provide Protection Offer complete, off-the-shelf solutions protection solutions for battery, charger, USB, power interfaces Q1 Q2 (Opt.) Function Block 1 Function Block 2 Function Block 3 0.8 – 5.5V Rail Vcc1 Vcc2 Vcc3 GPIO = 1.2V ~ 2.8V
Best Products for Power Management IntelliMAXTM
Product Family Product VIN range (V) Current Limit Minimum (mA) Slew rate Control / Output Discharge FPF100x 1.2 – 5.5 Slew rate control FPF10xx** 0.8 – 1.8 Current limiting with Ultra-low Iq FPF202x 1.6 – 5.5 100 Current limiting FPF200x 1.8 – 5.5 50, 100 Current limiting w/Reverse current protection FPF210x/2x/4x/6x/8x Fixed or Adj. (0.15 to 1.5A) Current Limiting/RCB/Output OVP (w/Schottky) FPF217x 200 High precision current limiting (within 5-15%) FPF22xx Fixed (500) and Adj.(150 – 250/ 250 – 660) Dual Channel Current Limiting FPF23xx Fixed (1100), Adj (400 – 600) Protections: Over Current Protection (0.15-2A range) Reverse Current Blocking, Output Voltage Protection Thermal Shutdown, Under-Voltage Lockout, ESD Control: Slew Rate/In-rush control: 10uS/80uS/1mS for Capacitive Loads Quick output discharge Performance: 1.2 to 5.5V operating range Low vdrop = Low power dissipation Low Iq and Ioff = Energy Saving Reporting: Power Good, fault reporting
FPF1103/4, 1107/8- 1x1 WCSP Single Slew Rate Controlled Load switch – Best In Class!
Load Disconnect Switch with Ultra-Small Footprint vs Cost Features Vin - 1.2V to 4V Operating Range Low Idq = Vin, I_Shutoff < 1uA Max Typical RDS(ON) VIN = 3.3V, 100mohm Max 1.8V. Leadership Rdson/Footprint 1x1 WCSP 4-ball device. ESD Protected, above 4000V HBM, 1000V CDM Integrated Slew rate control with Tr of 50uS, 100uS options, can drive Cout ~10uF with no in-rush. GPIO/CMOS compatible enable circuitry, no pull down required Output Discharge Option for Capacitive Loads
IntelliMAXTM FPF1038/9: 1.2V-5.5V Slew-Rate Controlled Load Switch with Low Ron
NO In-Rush Current with large Cout ( up to 200uF). Function Integrated V Operating Smart Load Switch Disconnect Switch + In-Rush Control “Soft-Start” to provide low standby power for applications with large load Capacitances in power management applications. Potential Applications: LCD displays, Optical Disk Drives, Medical Devices, Processor & Memory Cores, SSDs and Memory Sticks, Camera Strobe Circuitry, Low Voltage DC Motors Features Operating VIN = 1.2 – 5.5V, 6V AMR Integrated Slew Rate Control With Tr=3mS Rdson of <= 25mOhm 4.5 V ESD Protection = 8kV HBM Capable of 2A Continuous Load Current. Low Shutdown/Off Current, <1uA MAX at 85C Load Discharge Option to discharge capacitive loads with FPF1039. VIN=4.5, CIN=10µF, COUT=100µF, RL=150Ω) NO – INRUSH or Vin Droop! Part Input buffer Output Discharge ON Pin Activity Tr Package FPF1038UCX 30mΩ, PMOS CMOS NA Active HI 2.5mS WCSP 1x1.5 FPF1039UCX 60 Ω
IntelliMAXTM USB Over-Current Protection FPF2165R/2195
10% Tolerance, Adj. Over-Current Protected Switch with RCB Features: 1.8V to 5.5V Input Range 0.15A-1.5A Adj Current Limit with 10% Reverse Current Blocking with low Leakage UVLO Thermal Δ10°C 2x2 MicroFET and 1x1.5 WCSP √ √ √
IntelliMAXTM FPF22XX High precision(5%) current limit load switches
Products I Lim Min(A) Ron Max (Ohm) Vin Max (V) ON Pin State UVLO Min (V) FPF2200 0.5 0.3 5.5 Active HI - FPF2201 FPF2202 FPF2213 0.25 0.45 1 FPF2214 FPF2215 FPF2223 0.625 FPF2224 FPF2225 Description : High precision (5%) current limit load switch Feature: 1.8 to 5.5V Input Voltage Range ESD Protected, above 4000V HBM High precision current limit Output discharge function 80Ω VBUS GND D+ D- FPF22xx FPF23xx 5V USB
IntelliMAXTM FPF23XX Dual USB Protection
Products Package I Lim Min(A) Vin Max (V) Ron Max (Ohm) ON Pin State UVLO Min (V) FPF2300 MLP|SOIC 1.3 5.5 0.14 Active Low FPF2302 FPF2303 FPF2310 MLP 0.4 Active High 1 FPF2312 FPF2313 FPF2313L FPF23xx Series : Single input & Dual output 5V VBUS GND D+ D- USB1 USB2 USB3 USB4 FPF230x Features: 1.8V to 5.5V Input Range Single Input & Dual Output Ron Vin=5.5V 1.1A(min) fixed : FPF230x/M 400mA~600mA Adj. : FPF231x Slew Rate Controlled Reverse Current Blocking : FPF230x/M Output Discharge : FPF231x ESD Protection above 4kV HBM Thermal Δ10°C Active Low/High SO8 & 3x3MicroFET
Best Products for Power Management DC/DC Buck Solutions
SC70 WL-CSP uModule MLP 5.5V FAN5361: 6MHz 0.6A FAN5350: 3MHz 0.6A FAN5362: 3MHz 0.5A FAN5358: 2MHz 0.5A FAN4603: uModule FAN5365: 6MHz 1A w/ I2C FAN5355: 3MHz 1A w/ I2C FAN5352: * 3MHz 2.2A FAN5353 FAN5354: 3MHz 3A Input Voltage (Vin) 2.3V 0.5A 1A 2A 3A Load Current * sampling
Best Products for Power Management DC/DC: uModule FAN4603 Fully Integrated Power Supply uModule
Features Solder&Play converter (no passive components required) 2.3V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range 500mA Output Current Fixed VOUT = 1.0V, 1.2V, 1.3V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 3.3V Up to 91% Efficiency 35µA Typical Quiescent Current 6MHz Fixed-Frequency Operation Best-in-Class Load Transient UVLO, TSD, and SCP Protection 2.5 x 4.0 6LD, MLP package Applications Hearing aids Bluetooth headsets POS - Handheld scanners Set Top Box 3G, WiFi, WiMAX, WiBro data cards Netbooks, UMPC Availability Samples/Eval Boards available Production: 1.82V Version available 1.0, 1.23, 1.3, and 1.5V versions ramping 3.3V version coming soon 4 mm 2.5 mm Standalone Discrete Solution Power Supply uModule
DC/DC: uModule FAN4603 Benefits of the Power Supply Module
Easy to use: “solder and play” No external components – allows fast TTM (ideal for last minute design changes) No special training No special layout requirements for customer Provides security that your specified passives aren’t unknowingly replaced with black market devices. Guarantees electrical performance from input to output as opposed to a traditional standalone solutions which only guarantees the performance of the converter Allows high density power supply routing which is not trivial for not-so-advanced PCB’s that may only have 2-layers Simplifies the supply chain by eliminating the need to purchase, track, and store a multitude of external passive components. Eliminates the need to pick and place extra components in the system leading to a potential cost savings and possible reliability improvement
Best Products for Power Management DC/DC: FAN5361 6MHz buck
High performance in terms of efficiency(>90%), quiescent current(35µA), transient response, and mode transition smoothness 6MHz switching allows for small solution with low cost 470nH(0603) inductor and 4.7µF(0402) capacitors Available in 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8V 6MHz switching allows for smallest inductor size
DC/DC: FAN5361 6MHz buck Efficiency and Load transient performance
1.8V Efficiency vs. Load Current and Supply Load Step=50 to 250mA, VIN=3.6V, VOUT=1.82V Strong transient response is especially critical for low voltage processors which may operate at 1.0V for example. Remember that if processor requires 1V +/- 5% power supply then it only has +/-50mV of margin. This is why power supply response to load transient is so important.
Best Products for Power Management DC/DC: FAN5362 3MHz buck for Flash memory supply
Features 3MHz Fixed-Frequency Operation 45µA Typical Quiescent Current Fixed 2.9V and 3.3V output 500mA Output Current Capability 2.7V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range Smooth transition to and from 100% duty cycle when VIN drops PFM mode for high efficiency in light load 6 bump 0.96 x 1.31mm WLCSP 0.4mm pitch
Best Products for Power Management DC/DC with I2C interface: FAN5365
Dynamic Voltage Scaling is used to dynamically lower the supply of the processor based on the processing state. Features: 2.3V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range 800mA or 1000mA Output Current Dynamic voltage scaling: 0.75V – V VOUT range I²C Compatible Interface up to 3.4Mbps 6MHz Fixed-Frequency Operation 40µA Typical Quiescent Current Pin-Selectable Output Voltages Auto Mode with Pulse Skip Power Save or Force PWM Tiny 0805 inductor
Best Products for Power Management Boost converter FAN4860
Input = 2.3 – 4.5V Generates fixed 5V 3MHz boost using tiny 1µH 0805 inductor Higher efficiency than charge pump solutions 200mA output current with VIN = 2.3V 300mA output current with VIN = 3.3V True load disconnect so no leakage between battery to load WLCSP and UMLP packaging VBAT = +3.7V VOUT = +5V FAN4860 5V 200mA Boost Regulator UMLP 2x2mm WLCSP 0.88x1.23mm
Boost converter FAN4860 True Load Disconnect Prevents Reverse Leakage
High side synchronous FET ensures that during shutdown there is no leakage path between battery and output.
Best Products for Power Management Battery charging FAN5400
More energy efficient charging = charge time savings! Linear charging IC 2.5W 1.8W USB POWER 500mA Switching charging IC 2.5W 2.35W USB POWER FAN5400
Best Products for Power Management Battery charging FAN5400
Value Proposition: Faster charge times with USB power Lower operating temperature compared to Linear charger Inductor can be re-used to support the USB-OTG function 20V integrated input protection First Samples: NOW Final Samples: Aug 2010 Production: Sep 2010
Best Products for Power Management Battery charging FAN5400
Fully USB Compliant Selectable Input OCP with 5% accuracy 100mA 500mA 800mA No Limit 1.25A Max Charge Current Operating Input Range 4-6V OVP Limit 20V Currently FAN5400 has 20V Protection
Best Products for Power Management LED Driver: FAN5622/4/6
FAN5622/4/3: 2/4/6-ch. Linear LED Driver w/ Digital Dimming Input Features 2, 4 6 LED outputs at 30mA each Current sink driver for each LED output 60mV 30mA IOUT (max) Single-wire digital control interface Program up to 32 different LED brightness levels VIN = 2.7V to 5.5V External RSET current programming Very low shutdown current Compact solution requires only single bypass capacitor Packages: FAN5622 = Thin SOT23-6 FAN5624 = 1.40 x 1.80 x 0.55mm UMLP-10 FAN5626 = 1.60 x 2.10 x 0.55mm MicroPAK MLP-10 Applications Keypad Backlights Rugged Handheld PCs Portable Medical Instruments Portable Measurement Instruments FAN5622 FAN5624 FAN5626
Best Products for Power Management LED Driver: FAN5622/4/6
FAN5622/4/3: Performance Efficiency& Single Wire Interface Simple to use interface to dim LEDs and turn FAN562x on and off Apply series of digital pulses to CTRL pin to dim LEDs Count-down dimming steps 32 linear dimming steps
Best Products for Power Management LED Driver: FAN5341/3
FAN5341/43 Asynchronous Serial LED Driver for 3 to 5 / 5 to 6 WLEDs Features Asynchronous Serial LED Driver w/ Integrated Schottky Diode Up to 83% efficiency Supports up 3 to 5 / 5 to 6 LEDs 1.2MHz switching frequency Single-wire digital control interface Program up to 32 different LED brightness levels VIN = 2.7V to 5.5V Over-Voltage Protection Short Circuit Detection Thermal Shutdown Protection Pkg: 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.55mm UMLP6 Applications Mobile Internet Devices Rugged Handheld PCs Portable Medical Equipment
Best Products for Power Management LED Driver: Soft Blinker FAN5646
Features LED soft blink with logarithmic fade up and down Follow or repeat pattern modes when apps processor powered down TinyWire™ digital interface to program different lighting patterns Digital control (single wire) Compatible with 1.8V logic High-side current driver 80mV 20mA IOUT (max) 45µA operating quiescent current Pkg: SC70 & 0.85x0.85mm WLCSP-4 Applications Portable Medical Instruments Portable Measurement Instruments
Best Products for Power Management FAN5646 Operating Modes
IDLE Sleep mode until rising edge of CTRL signal detected PLAY Default LED pattern repeats when CTRL is high FOLLOW Follows CTRL signal Program One-Shot When PLAY and FOLLOW bits are high PULSE1 played after CTRL is high for 100µs and CTRL ignored until PULSE1 completed Mode LED Entry IDLE OFF CTRL low for > 200s PLAY Play Pattern CTRL high > 2s FOLLOW Follows CTRL CTRL high < 2s Program CTRL high < 50s
Mobile Phone & Mobile Ref Design Content
Challenges in mobile applications Block diagram example Best Products for Power Management MOSFET IntelliMAX DC/DC (Buck, Boost, uModule) Battery Charging LED drivers Signal Path USB Switches / Transceiver Audio Switches Data Switches uSerDes LVDS Application specific small signal ICs Small Signal Circuits
Best Products for Signal Path USB Switches – competitive advantage
Low Con allows for more flexible board layout and controller characteristics Low CON Bandwidth down to 3.7pF Superior ESD protection 720 MHz (-3dB) USB 2.0 compliant 8kV ESD Protection, 15kV IEC Air Gap ESD Protection eliminates need for external protection Fairchild’s USB Switches Over Voltage Tolerance Low power Normal operation (<1uA) Low ICCT feature for mixed voltage systems Packaging choices Small Scale Packaging (MicroPak and uMLP package) Leaded package also available (MSOP, US 8, TSSOP) Charger detection Charger Detection Option (FSUSB45 and FSUSB46) to interrupt data flow when entering charging operation. Power off protection Fairchild’s USB Switches provide the optimum combination of performance, power minimization, space savings and durability
Best Products for Signal Path USB Switches
USB Switches Overview Full Speed Switches FSUSB11 Hi-Speed USB Switches FSUSB22 – 2x DPDT FSUSB30 – 1x DPDT FSUSB31 – 1x DPST FSUSB40 – 1x DPDT w/ power off protection. FSUSB42 – 1x DPDT w/ flow thru pinout FSUSB43 – 1x DPDT FSUSB104 – 1x DPDT FSUSB46 – 1x DPST w/ charger detect. FSUSB45 – 1x DPDT w/ charger detect. FSUSB63 - USB Dual 3:1 Mux (DP3T) Applications Control panel with USB interface, Industry-PCs Desktop switches, WS remote Any equipment with USB port
Best Products for Signal Path USB Switches FSUSB63
Features Break before make time FSA62 : 2nS FSA63 : 126uS Low On capacitance: 5.5pF typical Low On resistance: 3.92 typical Low power consumption: < 10-A maximum 5μA maximum ICCT over an expanded voltage range (VIN=1.2V, VCC=4.3V) Wide -3dB bandwidth 720MHz typical Packaged in 12-Lead UMLP (1.8mm x 1.8mm) 8kV ESD rating, 16kV VCC/GND ESD rating Over-Voltage Tolerance (OVT) on all USB Ports Up to 5.25V without External Components Main processor USB 1 Media processor USB 2 Memory USB 3 USB Jack 1.8mm 1.8mm 0.4mm 12-Lead UMLP (1.8mm x 1.8mm)
Best Products for Signal Path Multimedia Switches
Multi-Media Switches are a new category of application specific products. They are designed to switch Audio Signals, USB Data and Video through the same device saving space and costs. Features Enables a single connector to be used to carry audio and USB signals. Automatic USB detection Power Off Protected common ports (D+/L, D-/R) Smallest available packaging (MicroPak™ 10, 10 MSOP and uMLP) Ultra Low Power Consumption (<10uA from local supply) Portfolio FSA201 - Full Speed USB + Audio FSA203 – Hi Speed USB + Audio + Video FSA221 - Hi-Speed USB + Audio FSA223 – Hi Speed USB + Audio FSA110 – Wired OR USB + Audio FSA321 - Hi-Speed USB Audio
Best Products for Signal Path USB Transceiver
Providing USB compliant solutions for all common FS and HS applications Multiple ASIC/baseband interface options Ultra-low power < 2.0mA consumed by USB1T1103 while transmitting data at FS Charger detect feature on new products (FUSB1500 and FUSB2500) NEW USB1T11A USB1T1103 USB1T1105A FUSB1500 FUSB2500 Speed LS, FS FS FS, HS Driver Input Mode Differential or SE Differential ULPI (SDR) Driver I/O (I/O or separate inputs and outputs) Separate I/O - VBUS Regulator No Yes Special Features 15kV ESD protection Charger detect (resistive) OTG support VBUS monitor output SE0 detection Charger detect (rev. 1.0 compliant) Digital clock input (no ext crystal) Package options (size mm) 16MLP (3.0x3.0) 16MHBCC (3.0x3.0) 36BGA (3.5x3.5) 14MLP (2.5x2.5)
Best Products for Signal Path Audio Switches
Ultra-Low RON (0.35 Ohm) allows usage of lower impedance speakers Superior Off-Isolation, THD, Cross talk to maintain signal integrity Low ICCT options Pop reduction technology Industry leading ESD protection, up to 15KV Small scale MicroPakTM packaging. FSA2268 Dual SPDT Products FSA2268 – 2x SPDT FSA2467 – 2x DPDT FSA5157 – 1x SPDT FSA2156 – 1x SPST FSA2367 – 3x SPDT FSA2380 – 2x SP3T
Best Products for Signal Path Data Switches
FSSD06 SDIO/MMC Data Switch FSSD06 – 6 Bit switch to share a single 4 bit SDIO data port on a base-band processor. Designed to share SD cards. WI-FI, Bluetooth etc. Internal voltage level shifters to accommodate 1.8V, 2.7V, and 3.3V I/O. SPDT configuration DQFN and UMLP Packaging. Low current consumption (<1uA). >150MHz bandwidth.
Best Products for Signal Path μSerDes
What is μSerDes™? μSerDes are serializer/deserializer interface products for small displays and camera applications. Value of μSerDes™ Improved Form Factor Enhanced Functionality Reduced Board Space Lower System Cost Increased Reliability Eliminates EMI
Best Products for Signal Path μSerDes
mSerDes Product Selection Guide FIN212AC FIN210AC FIN224AC FIN322C FIN324C FIN424C/425C Number of Bits 12 10 22 24 21 Max Frequency 40MHz 48MHz 20MHz 8MHz 15MHz 10MHz RGB Interface YES Yes µProcessor Interface Dynamic Current 5MHz TBD 5MHz 5.44MHz 5.44MHz 5.44MHz VDDA/S 2.5 to 3.6V 2.5 to 3.3V 1.78 to 1.97V 2.5 to 3.0V VDDP 1.65 to 3.6V 1.65 to 3.0V 1.6 to VDDA/S 1.6 to 3.0V Read / Write Write Ideal Application Camera Small LCD Small LCD ESD (IEC) 15KV Packages BGA, MLP MLP Oscillator/PLL PLL Oscillator Edge Rates Selectable Slow Camera LCD High Speed High Speed Low Power Low Power Easy to Use Low Cost
Best Products for Signal Path LVDS
Driver/Receiver Cross Point Switch LVTTL LVDS LVDS Cross Point Switches allow any LVDS input to ‘talk’ to any LVDS output at high speed. LVTTL LVDS Drivers translate LVTTL signals to LVDS signals. LVDS Receivers translate LVDS signals to LVTTL signals Industry leading small package options Serializer Repeater LVDS LVDS Serializers take multiple LVTTL signals and serialize them into one LVDS signal LVTTL LVDS xn 1 * n LVDS Repeaters accept LVDS signals and buffer it to provide an LVDS output, the ratio is typically 1:1. Deserializer LVDS Dserializers take a signal serialized LVDS signal and deserialize it into multiple LVTTL signals. LVTTL LVDS /n 1 * n For more information, visit
Best Products for Signal Path Voltage Level Shifters FXMA108
Description: FXMA108 is a configurable Dual-Voltage supply translator designed for both uni-directional and bi-directional voltage translation between two logic levels. The device allows for Voltage translation between voltages as high as 5.5V and as low as 1.65V. The A port tracks the Vcca level and the B port track the Vccb level. This allows for bi-directional voltage translation over a variety of voltage levels; 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V and 5.0V. Small 20 Pin DQFN Package 2.5mm x 4.5mm
Best Products for Signal Path Voltage Level Shifters FXMA2102
Value advantage: 2-bit Level Translators – Designed for I2C bus voltage adaption and expansion Buffer isolates capacitance and allow 400pf on each port, work as I2C repeater, expand the I2C capability. Applications: Consumer devices – Notebooks, Netbooks, MID, STB Mobile Phones Features: Bi-direction, auto Direction Sensing, support any voltage between 1.65v and 5.5v Accommodates standard-mode and fast-mode I2C bus mode No Power Up Sequencing Required Open Drain Inputs/Outputs Packaged in 8 terminal leadless MicroPakTM (1.6mmx1.6mm) FXMA2102 Provide 5.0V Middle Voltage for DVI/HDMI interfaces in netbook
Mobile Phone & Mobile Ref Design Content
Challenges in mobile applications Block diagram example Best Products for Power Management MOSFET IntelliMAX DC/DC (Buck, Boost, uModule) Battery Charging LED drivers Signal Path USB Switches / Transceiver Audio Switches Data Switches uSerDes LVDS Application specific small signal ICs Small Signal Circuits
Best Products for Standard Products New Schottky – BAT54XV2
Value advantage: Extremely low Vf - Tiny SMT package Applications: High Speed Switching Voltage Clamping Circuit Protection Features: Ultra Low Profile, Max. Height mm Small Footprint – Area of 2.8mm²
Best Products for Standard Products RB520S30, RB521S30 Schottky Barrier Diodes
Value advantage: 30V 200mA 0.6 & 0.5 Vf Applications: High Speed Switching Voltage Clamping Circuit Protection Features: Ultra Low Profile, Max. Height - 0.7mm Small Footprint – Area of 2.8mm² Green Mold Compound 52
Best Products for Standard Products SOD523F Zener
Value advantage: Wide Voltage Range Applications: Voltage reference Features: Ultra Low Profile, Max. Height - 0.7mm Extremely Small Outline Package Green Mold Compound
Best Products for Standard Products Schottky & Small Signal Diode in SOD923,
Value advantage: Low Vf Fast Switching Miniature SOD93 package Applications: PDA PMP Circuit Protection Features: Ultra Low Profile, Max. Height – 0.43mm Small Footprint – Area of 2.8mm² Green Mold Compound BAS40SL, BAS70SL, RB751SL, BAS16SL
Best Products for Standard Products SOD923 Schottky & Diode BAS40SL, RB751SL, BAS70SL, BAS16SL
Value advantage: Ultra small package Applications: Ultraportable PDA HDD Features: Tiny Package 0.65 x 0.85 x 0.43 55
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