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United States History & Government

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1 United States History & Government
Chapter 9 Review United States History & Government

2 Names & Terms Joseph Smith John Deere Fifty Four Forty or Fight
Mormons James Polk Middle Ground Battle Near San Jacinto Empressarios Gadsden Purchase Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Charles Goodyear California Gold Rush Cyrus McCormick

3 National Road Santa Fe Trail Samuel F.B. Morse Oregon Trail Market Revolution Manifest Destiny Mechanical Reaper Stephen Austin Specialization Sam Houston Steamboat Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna The Treaty of Fort Laramie

4 Tejano John C. Fremont Anglo Winfield Scott Annex Forty-Niners Republic of Texas Mormons Stephen Kearny Rio Grande Zachary Taylor

5 Review following questions
What was the impact of California Gold Rush? What was the major impact of canal-building era? What were the advantages and disadvantages of canals and railroads over each other? What were some impacts of industrialization in the 19th Century? What appeal did Texas have to Americans?

6 What delayed the annexation of Texas?
What is Mexican Cession? What impact did the California Gold Rush have on its population? What is the importance of the Battle of San Jacinto?

7 Extended Response Questions
Expansion of US territories in the 1830s and 1840s What areas were taken Events and factors that drove the expansion What impact it had on Native Americans? What people would have been the most likely group to travel west to Texas, Utah, Oregon? What were their motives? What ways did they use? What hardship did they face? (personal motives, trails, frontier living conditions)

8 How was American lifestyle changed by the market revolution and technological innovation in the early 1800s? Define market revolution Role of technology Effects on household income Effects of producers of goods New invention Changes in farming & Industry Links between regions

9 Changes in Transportation, Communication and Manufacturing and their impact on American lives.

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