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Work & Energy.

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1 Work & Energy

2 Work Work is the result of applying a force over a distance.
When you lift a book 1 m into the air from the table, you have done work. The amount of work depends on the distance traveled and the magnitude of the force You do more work lifting 5 books than just 1 book

3 Energy Energy is the ability to do work.
You eat a bowl of Wheaties to get energy to accomplish work. The energy we will focus on will have two variations – Potential and Kinetic

4 Potential Energy (P.E.) A student with a high IQ has the potential to do well in school – does he always do so? No! He has the potential Potential energy is similar – it is stored and has the potential to make something happen A rollercoaster at the top of the ride has the potential to roll down A cup of gas has the potential to burn

5 Potential = stored, in place
Chemical, Gravitational, and Elastic are three common variations of potential energy

6 Calculation P.E. The potential of any object due to gravity will depend on the mass of the object and the height of the object A heavy book has the potential to hurt more when it falls on your hand A book high up has the potential to hurt more than a book just above your hand PE = mgh M = mass (kilograms), g = gravity(m/s2), h = height (meters) PE is measured in Joules (J)

7 Lets Practice What is the potential energy of a 700 kg car at the top of a 20 m hill? PE = mgh PE = (700 kg)(9.8m/s2)(20m) PE = 137,200 J What is the P.E. of a 2 kg book 1.5 m above the floor?

8 Kinetic Energy Just as kinetic friction dealt with friction in motion, kinetic energy deals with objects in motion Just like P.E., K.E. will depend on the mass – more mass means more K.E. The second factor in K.E. is velocity The more velocity, the more energy K.E. = ½mv2 m = mass (kilograms), v = velocity (m/s)

9 Lets Practice What is the K.E. of a 700 kg car moving 4 m/s?
KE = ½ mv2 KE = .5 (700 kg) (4 m/s)2 KE = 5600 J What is the K.E. of a 300 g baseball thrown at 30 m/s?

10 Identify the type of energy (PE or KE)
A falling skydiver A stretched rubberband A flying rubberband A book on the top shelf A person walking A waterfall

11 Which has more energy? A person running or walking?
A child and an adult riding bikes at the same speed? A football player on a diving board or a gymnast on the same diving board? A baseball or a shot put?

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