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Paul Ainsworth – Chair of Pub Campaigns

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1 How to navigate the planning system and work with partners to save your local pub
Paul Ainsworth – Chair of Pub Campaigns Ellie Hudspith – Policy and Research Manager

2 1. Pubs & Planning – The Basics
Any change of use now needs planning permission As does any demolition National planning policies offer some protection to pubs Local planning policies can offer protection to pubs

3 2. Under threat – first steps
Once rumours start, find out who owns the pub what are/seem to be their intentions Form a campaign group Start gathering community support Consider community purchase possibilities/ACV nomination Plan a campaign strategy

4 3. Working with others Identify potential supporters
Test local opinion Contact sources of assistance e.g. CAMRA, Plunkett, Pub is the Hub Contact local Councillors/MP

5 4. Under threat – next steps
Publicity, including social media Attempt dialogue with owners (esp. if community purchase is being considered) Informal contact with Planners Start lobbying

6 5. The planning application
Early scrutiny essential Consider arguments for objection: community angle policy angle viability marketing other Encourage objections Write and submit objections Request Committee consideration

7 6. Before and at the meeting
Intensive lobbying of relevant Councillors Maximise publicity Ask to speak at meeting Make the most of your slot Hopefully, celebrate your success

8 7. After the decision Permission refused, but applicant appeals
Permission refused, but owner sits on closed pub Lawful Development Certificates Permission granted – anything you can do?

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