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Kennedy Years.

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1 Kennedy Years

2 I. The Election of 1960 Both Nixon and Kennedy had similar position on most major issues. Because Kennedy was Catholic some Americans worried that if he won the Pope would have a strong influence over American politics.

3 C. The 1960 election was the first to have a televised debate.
1.Kennedy’s good looks and charisma helped him to win over voters. D. Kennedy’s support of civil right also led many African-Americans to support him

4 II. Foreign Policy Flexible Response
-Not all military responses need to be nuclear, the military should have options when responding to a situation

5 B. Crisis in Cuba 1) Fidel Castro led a revolution in Cuba, declared Cuba communist and welcomed aid from the Soviet Union.

6 C. The Bay of Pigs Invasion
1. The CIA trained Cuban exiles to launch an invasion to take out Castro. 2. The invasion was a total disaster. 3. The fiasco embarrassed Kennedy but he took full responsibility.

7 D. Cuban Missile Crisis A) The Soviet Union Put nuclear missiles in Cuba!!!

8 E. Kennedy’s Options Blockade Cuba (don’t let any ships in or out)
Launch missiles at Cuba (take out their missiles) Launch missiles at the Soviet Union What would you do?


10 F. Crisis over Berlin Many Eastern Germans were fleeing into West Berlin to escape communism. Krushchev built the Berlin wall to stop people from leaving. The wall became an ugly sign of Communist oppression


12 III. The New Frontier The Peace Corps encouraged Americans to volunteer in developing nations Race to the Moon- The Soviets sent a man in to Space. Kennedy wanted to beat the Soviets in the space race so he set a goal of putting a man on the moon.


14 8:00


16 IV. Using Federal Power to End Segregation
A) In the beginning of Kennedy’s presidency he spent much of his time focusing on the Soviet Union. Civil rights organizers conducted a series of events designed to put civil rights on the political agenda.

17 A. Riding for Freedom The groups SNCC & CORE organized bus trips across the South to test the Supreme Courts decision banning segregated seating on interstate buses The riders were met with violence leading the Kennedy Administration to enforce anti-segregation laws (freedom riders) Butler Video Clips

18 B. Integrating Ole Miss James Meredith won a federal court case that allowed him to enroll in the all-White university of Mississippi. The governor refused to admit him and went on the radio to encourage protests. Riots broke out on campus causing two deaths. It took thousands of soldiers to stop the rioting. 9:45-11:00 12:26-16:00 17:00-20:52 26:25- 29:00 34:00

19 C. Protest in Birmingham
A. Birmingham was the most segregated city in the country. B. Non-violent protests, economic boycotts, and negative media coverage caused Birmingham to end their segregation policies. Butler Video Clip

20 D. March on Washington President Kennedy sent a civil rights bill to Congress. Over 250,000 people marched on Washington to support the Bill. Dr. King Delivered his famous I have a Dream Speech.

21 V. Kennedy is Assassinated
Kennedy was killed by a sniper as he rode in a parade in Dallas. Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime, as he was being transferred from prison he was murdered

22 VI. The Warren Commission
The Warren Commission investigated the assassination. The commission concluded that Oswald was part of a conspiracy but left many questions unanswered.


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