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Life’s Purpose Transformed

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1 Life’s Purpose Transformed
Transforming Love Life’s Purpose Transformed Key Theme: When you woke up this morning, God had a hope for you and your life. This hope is based upon your identity as His beloved. Your identity, as well as God’s hope, is revealed through Scripture in the Story of the Glory. Our identity is founded in Christ as recipients of His gracious love. God’s hope is that we might first receive His love and then share His love with those around us.

2 Transforming Love Key Scripture: Colossians 1:27
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (NIV)

3 Transforming Love The Wall Street Journal; January 9, “The far-reaching shift in values, stressing family, friends and community over career, status and money, will continue to play out in the coming year. The events of September 11th, 2002, has caused a remarkable number of people across the country to call a time-out for themselves, and ask two questions: ‘What’s really important to me?’ And, ‘Why am I here?’” We’ll address these questions of identity and purpose in today’s sermon.

4 Transforming Love God’s love has a distinct hope in mind: To bring us to a loving relationship with Him and then to participate in His expression of love and life in the world. God loved us so that we might make known God’s love to those around us. Our identity is found in Jesus Christ and His work on our behalf. The Gospel’s Good News declares at Calvary: Our identity is “His beloved” and we have the privilege to express His glory! We areGod’s “glory-bearers” here on the earth.

5 Transforming Love God’s initiative is based in His love for us and is evident: A. In creation (Genesis 1:1-31) B. In the daily blessings we have received (Psalm 139:3) C. In the Gospel’s good news that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

6 Transforming Love II. God’s initiative to express His glorious presence in our world is seen all across the pages of the Bible. A..In the Old Testament, we see His presence in a burning bush, on the face of Moses, in the cloud by day, in the fire by night, in the Ark of the Covenant, and in the temple. B. In the New Testament, we see the ultimate expression of His presence in the God-man, Jesus. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory” (John 1:14).

7 Transforming Love III. God’s initiative to express His glory in our day becomes very personal. A. It is a mystery, namely “Christ in you, God’s hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). God is desiring, longing, and hoping to express Himself in you! B. Revealed in this mystery is the divine miracle of grace God’s unmerited love demonstrated to Moses, the children of Israel and to each of us. What have any of us done to “merit” being the recipients of divine glory and love?

8 Transforming Love IV. God’s initiative transforms us into “bearers of God’s glory.” A. As bearers of His glory, we sense His hope and calling to a life purpose of expressing Him to others. B. As bearers of His glory, our identity is affirmed as the beloved of God. “He did it for me!”

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