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News about Dinosaurs.

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Presentation on theme: "News about Dinosaurs."— Presentation transcript:

1 News about Dinosaurs

2 Interesting Facts

3 Dinosaurs were discovered in the early 1800’s. The name
Dinosaur means terrible lizard. Since that time,many new ideas have replaced the old theories. One such theory is that scientist thought dinosaurs were slow moving with the tails dragging the ground. Actually dinosaurs were very swift and they walked holding their tails up. Dinosaurs could be found in the air, in the water, or on the land. Dinosaurs were either meat-eaters or plant-eaters.

4 Review 1. When was the first dinosaur discovered?
2. What does the name dinosaur mean? 3. Were dinosaurs slow or fast moving? 4. Did dinosaurs’ tails drag the ground? 5. Name the three places dinosaurs can be found living? 6. What did dinosaurs eat?

5 That's all folks.

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