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Department of Health Studies

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1 Department of Health Studies

2 UNISA Pretoria

3 INTRODUCTION: OERs – What is it
INTRODUCTION: OERs – What is it? *Open Educational Resources (OERs) refers to teaching and learning materials that are freely available via Creative Commons (CC) open licencing (often teaching materials) *Open Access (OA) resources are freely available via an open licence (academic journals, WHO information pieces, Health Systems Trust SA) (Guides at Red Deer College)

4 *OERs and OA are therefore closely related and for the purpose of this presentation the terms will be used interchangeably (emphasis on free and open) (Guides at Red Deer College)

5 *The nature of true OERs, according to UNESCO means: “anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt and re-share them” *OERs are licenced under Creative Commons (CC) Licences *OA resources are freely available but there is copyright involved © (Guides at Red Deer College)

6 *CC Licencing: *Attribution (may distribute, remix, build upon, but credit the original author) *Non-commercial (may only use work for non-commercial purposes) *Share-Alike (remixed work under same licence) *No Derivatives (free to use and distribute work, but may not revise or remix)

7 *Aim: To explore a lecturer’s use of OERs in teaching a module that formed part of a Nursing programme through the process of reflection *Purpose: To understand the use of OERs better so that future actions could be informed better

8 Reflection as research methodology: “Reflection is a systematic way of thinking about our actions and responses and it contributes to a transformed perspective or the reframing of a given situation or problem. So: it determines future actions and responses” (Qualitative in nature) (Horton-Deutsch and Sherwood, 2017:23)

9 Johns’ Model Refection Description of the experience
Influencing Factors Could I have dealt with it better Learning Description of the experience

ELEMENTS OFJOHNS’ MODEL OF REFLECTION (as methodology) *Description of the experience: Experience described, identifying significant factors *Refection: Refreshment of mind – what was I trying to achieve (LibGuides at La Trobe University)

11 (Johns’ model continued)
(Johns’ model continued) *Influencing factors: Internal / external / knowledge / more that affected decision making *Could I have dealt with it better? Considering other choices I have / had (or not, but could think of) and consequences thereof *Learning: Feelings about experience and change that can be effected (LibGuides at La Trobe University)

12 Johns’ Model Refection Description of the experience
Influencing Factors Could I have dealt with it better Learning Description of the experience

13 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIENCE Context: Distance teaching institution
DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIENCE Context: Distance teaching institution. Module offered for Community Health Nursing Students (and students from other disciplines) focussing on: Health and the Environment Request to do away with prescribed text books and rather use other study material that will not cost student money. Library platform used for access to items

14 #Fees must fall – student activism for zero fees for higher education

15 Johns’ Model Refection Description of the experience
Influencing Factors Could I have dealt with it better Learning Description of the experience

16 REFECTION. Adhere to policy / request
REFECTION *Adhere to policy / request *Tried to put together the best resources that could form the learning and reading content that would fit the study guide and be on the appropriate level for the students (Community Health Nursing students and other like Environmental Management) *WHO documents, HST (Health Systems Trust), CSIR, HSRC, Journal articles, more

17 Johns’ Model Refection Description of the experience
Influencing Factors Could I have dealt with it better Learning Description of the experience

18 INFLUENCING FACTORS New idea, however, textbook that was used previously was good (but old) Time factor (to select items) Data usage to download (bandwidth) Library platform changed (and was unstable and unavailable at times); regional staff (incompetent) Difficult to communicate the “how to” to all students, as not all did the module online To some it had to be delivered: takes time

19 Johns’ Model Refection Description of the experience
Influencing Factors Could I have dealt with it better Learning Description of the experience

COULD I HAVE DEALT WITH IT BETTER? Yes and no Compile reader (use OERs and OAs) to overcome problems (Reader compilation discouraged) Data usage to download (bandwidth) Time factor (not aware of the time it takes to properly select) I had no control over Library platform

21 Johns’ Model Refection Description of the experience
Influencing Factors Could I have dealt with it better Learning Description of the experience

22 LEARNING *It takes a lot of time to find appropriate and good quality resources *Not all resources are good *Need help with identification *Might also need text book chapters (not OERs)

23 (LEARNING continued) *Training of regional library personnel to take place *If an OER is used in printed format like a compiled Reader) – it remains an OER – *Discovered Simon Watchmaker’s OER adoption model UCT)



26 CONCLUSION. Students will keep insisting on affordable education
CONCLUSION *Students will keep insisting on affordable education. *OERs and OA could be a solution *Not an easy task – takes time *Could be necessary to create free learning material yourself

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