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Career and Technology Education Programs

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1 Career and Technology Education Programs
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Baltimore Museum of Industry 1425 Key Highway

2 Full Service Location Four state-approved courses towards Professional and Technical Education SPC certification at undergraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate level leads to CTE Certificate on transcript. Courses toward General Secondary certification at undergrad and grad level. Three state-approved courses towards Work-Based Learning Endorsement (undergrad and grad level). Professional development courses towards APC. Thirty-credit Master’s degree in Career and Technology Education.

3 Professional and Technical Education Pathway to Standard Professional Certification (SPC)
New provisional CTE teacher hire in specific trade clusters (Autotech, CISCO, Culinary Arts, etc). They receive MSDE PTE (Grades 7-12) Evaluation for Certification form from their district HR. Based on COMAR regulations, form indicates their Option type (I – IV) and work experience level. UMES BMI offers the four professional courses. Basic Skills test they must complete: Praxis CORE, Praxis I, SAT, ACT or GRE.

4 Yearly PTE Course Schedule
Required Maryland Topics Undergraduate Level UMES Courses When Offered Graduate Level (a) Planning, delivering, and assessing instruction EDTE 468 Career and Technology Education Curriculum Development and Instructional Methods Fall HYB Spring Online CTED 600 Career and Technology Education: Content, Methods and Strategies Fall Hybrid (b)Managing an effective classroom and minimizing risk EDTE 481 Facilities Organization & Management Spring Hybrid Fall Online CTED 602 Career and Technology Education: Instructional Management and Organization Spring (c)Differentiating instruction to accommodate special needs EDSP 432 Differentiated Learning in Career and Technology Education Online SPED 600 Characteristics of Exceptional Students (d)Providing reading, writing, and mathematics literacy instruction relevant to the career area. EDTE 470 Academic Literacy in Career and Technology Education Summer CTED 675 Reading, Writing and Mathematics Literacy in CTE

5 Undergraduate PTE Classes
EDSP 432 Differentiated Learning in CTE. Online Very rigorous course. Dr. Lynnette Johnson, UMES. EDTE 468 CTE Teaching Methods. Hybrid or Online with Charles Hagan, Harford County principal. EDTE 481 (Lab) Facilities, Organization & Management. Hybrid or Online with Melvin Gill, Anne Arundel Department Chair. EDTE 470 Academic Literacy in CTE Online with Alan Reese

6 Three Step Enrollment Process
Review your PTE Certification Evaluation form for required classes and your start date. Calculate out when the two year window is up. Set your schedule of our PTE classes to complete within the window allowed. Keep in mind the stress of beginning teaching. In other words, don’t sign up for two or three classes your first semester teaching. Our experience shows a high failure rate if you attempt this.

7 PTE Certification Evaluation Form
Green arrow: Look at date, backdate to July 1st or January 1st. Now add two years: This is your completion date. Yellow Arrow: This states which of the four classes you need to take. Other Info: Option #, Praxis Test and Work Experience. this form to JoAnn or Marianne at BMI.

8 General Secondary Certification
Content Course Work for Technology Education (30 credits hours as required). We offer these BMI courses: EDTE 487 Foundations of Technology EDTE 485 Safety in Career and Technology Education EDTE 481 Facilities Organization & Management EDTE 499 Research and Experimentation in CTE EDTE 445 American Industry and Global Competition CTED 602 CTE: Instructional Management and Organization CTED 630 Special Problems in Career and Technology Education CTED 651 History and Principles of Career and Technology Education CTED 685 Safety in Technology & Engineering Education CTED 687 Foundations of Technology & Engineering Education CTED 655 Contemporary Workplace Practices CTED 665 WBL: Instructional Management and Curriculum Development

9 General Secondary Certification
Professional Course Work 1. Adolescent Development (take from community college) 2. Human Learning (take from community college) 3. Teaching Methodology: UMES BMI EDTE 468 or CTED 600 4. Inclusion of Special Needs Students: UMES BMI EDSP 432 or SPED 600 5. Assessment of Students: UMES BMI EDTE 437 or CTED 635 6. Reading in the Content Area I (take from community college) 7. Reading in the Content Area II (take from cc) Teacher Certification Tests: Basic Skills (Praxis CORE, ACT, SAT, GRE. Praxis II Content Exam for Tech Ed #0051 and Praxis II Pedagogy Exam.

10 Work-Based Learning Endorsement
WBL COMAR Undergrad BMI Courses When Offered Graduate BMI Courses .16 B 2-a “Organizing, coordinating, and marketing of work-based learning programs EDTE 480 HYD Coordination of Work-Based Learning Spring Hybrid in Baltimore CTED 607 HYB Coordination of Work Experience Programs .16 B 2-b “instructional management and curriculum development for work-based learning programs EDTE 467 HYB Instructional Analysis and Curriculum Development Fall Hybrid in Baltimore CTED 665 HYB Work-Based Learning: Instructional Management and Curriculum Development .16 B 3-d “3 semester hours of content work in contemporary workplace practices taken at IHE.” EDTE 445 American Industry and Global Competition Early July six day visits to industry CTED 655 Contemporary Workplace Practices For part 3-d above, some school districts may accept prior work experience (1000 hours occupational), a mix of hired work experience and self-employment, or 150 hours of school approved externship. This is a decision by your District certification office, not UMES.

11 District Tuition Reimbursement
Based on your contract, some districts will reimburse you for up to 100% of your college tuition paid towards our classes. This is more common with graduate classes. When you register and pay for your class, it is important to get a receipt then. At the end of the semester, your district will need a copy of this receipt and an official transcript from UMES showing you passed the class.

12 UMES BMI Admissions Located at Open “BMI Admissions Directions” link You will be ing BMI Non-Degree Admissions Form to UMES Admissions. Follow the prescriptive directions, do not skip a step.

13 Admissions/Registration
If done correctly, this step takes about 3 – 5 business days and results in you having a UMES Student ID. You use this to set up your MyUMES account. Before registering for classes, you will need to be term activated by the BMI office, find your class ID number, and receive your class permission code. Please note that the schedule listed on our website and paperwork is correct. Follow the “BMI Registration tutorial” exactly.

14 Payment On the UMES BMI website, locate and follow the “BMI Course Payment”. You must pay by the set dates for early and late registration. If you are deferring your payment for district tuition refund purposes, follow those specific directions. If you live out of state, set up the deferred payment plan and contact Marianne to initiate the out of state tuition waiver scholarship. You must also select the very last “Confirm” button in the payment process or you will not be registered, even if money is deducted from your credit card. Online instructions at

15 Resources for Non-Degree Certification
UMES Website Includes: Directions for Admission, Registration and Payment PTE Information and Sequence Work-Based Learning Information and Sequence Schedule of Classes

16 Course Access through Blackboard

17 Common Format

18 Common Session Resource Format

19 BMI Classrooms Room 113 Fireplace Room Video Teleconferencing via Blackboard Collaborate

20 CTED Master’s Degree at BMI
Thirty-credit state approved program leading to M.Ed. in Career and Technology Education. For CTE teachers (new and veteran), CTE administrators, CTE resource teachers, and trainers. Qualifies CTE teacher for Advanced Professional Certification (APC) in Maryland.

21 CTED M.Ed. Highlights Program fully accredited and approved through MSDE and MHEC. Lowest cost per credit of any Maryland university. Maryland teachers who live out of state receive a scholarship to cut their tuition to the in-state rate. The Baltimore Museum of Industry has free parking.

22 Admission Requirements
Complete online Grad Studies application ($50) Hold a BA or BS degree with 3.0 Cumulative GPA There are provisional admission options if below 3.0 Passing score(s) on Praxis I, Praxis CORE, ACT, SAT or GRE. Official college transcripts Three letters of recommendation Resume PTE Certification Evaluation form or Teaching License Statement of Intent or Purpose for wanting M.Ed.

23 Six Core Required Classes
CTED 600 Career and Technology Education Content, Methods and Strategies (3) (PTE) CTED 602 Career and Technology Education Instructional Management and Organization (3) (PTE) CTED 615 Administration and Leadership in Career and Technology Education (3) EDUC 610 Learning and Instructional Design (3) CTED 640 Research in Career & Technology Ed. I (3) CTED 650 Research in Career & Technology Ed. II (3) Total Required Credits: 18

24 Graduate Electives Twelve credits of electives needed. What is your goal? Two electives count towards PTE certification. CTED 675 Reading, Writing and Mathematics Literacy in CTE SPED 600 Characteristics of Exceptional Individuals Three WBL courses CTED 607 Coordination of Work Experience Programs CTED 665 WBL Instructional Management & Curric. Develop. CTED 655 Contemporary Workplace Practices One elective CTED 630 Special Problems in CTE is used by teachers to conduct action research for their SLO portion of their teacher evaluation.

25 Pick Four Electives CTED 607 Coordination of Work Experience Programs CTED 610 Teaching Adult and Post-Secondary Education Programs CTED 630 Special Problems in Career and Technology Education CTED 635 Standards-Based Assessment in Career and Technology Education CTED 651 History and Principles of Career and Technology Education CTED 655 Contemporary Workplace Practices CTED 665 Work-Based Learning: Instructional Management and Curriculum Development CTED 675 Reading, Writing and Mathematics Literacy Instruction in CTE CTED 685 Safety in Technology & Engineering Education CTED 687 Foundations of Technology & Engineering (Praxis II Prep) SPED 600 Characteristics of Exceptional Individuals Note that UMES accepts up to six graduate-level transfer credits that were not used toward fulfilling a previous graduate degree.

26 More than just classes UMES Graduate students earn recognition for their hard work and effort. Technology and Engineering Education Association of Maryland (TEEAM) / ITTEA Awardees Exemplary Program Award: Charles Evans from East Middle School, Chris Buckler from Owings Mills HS. Exemplary Teacher Award: Kevin Koperski, Robert Maser New Teacher Award: Jennifer McGough, Dan Staab, Kevin Michel

27 Scholarship TEEAM Graduate Scholarship Awardees ($500-$1000 cash prize) Chris Clancy (Harford) William Wolfe (Baltimore City) Kevin Koperski (Anne Arundel) Robert Maser (Baltimore County) Peer-Reviewed Published articles Vocabulary Development in T & E by Pamela Klink and Dr. L. Is Computer Science Compatible with Technological Literacy? by Chris Buckler, Kevin Koperski and Dr. Loveland Presentations at state and national conferences

28 Can you see yourself here?

29 For more Information about UMES
Graduate Program website Call or contact Dr. Loveland (410) Ext 164 Ms. JoAnn Norris

30 UMES at BMI Our goal is to meet the certification and professional development needs of Career and Technology Education teachers statewide. Let us know how we can help you meet your professional development needs. BMI Location of UMES Office and classrooms. 1425 Key Highway Baltimore, MD

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