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Sudden Earth Events VOLCANOES.

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Presentation on theme: "Sudden Earth Events VOLCANOES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sudden Earth Events VOLCANOES

2 Where are Volcanos Found?
What is a Volcano? Opening in Earth’s crust that releases solid rock, magma, steam & ash May be active (erupting) or dormant (no occurring eruption) or extinct Ring of Fire Formed by edges of Pacific plate Where are Volcanos Found?

3 Reasons Volcanoes Form
SUBDUCTION ZONES Result of converging plates One plate is pushed downward & melts Magma is eventually forced through an opening

4 Mount Vesuvius






10 PLUMES Result of diverging plates Rising magma leaks into the crust Can form new islands on the surface

11 Types of Volcanoes Based on Thickness of magma Amount of gas

12 Types of Volcanoes Strato Steep sides & high peaks Thick magma
Strato Steep sides & high peaks Thick magma Large amounts of gas (usually) Violent eruptions Ex. Mount Vesuvius (Italy) Mount St. Helens (US)

13 2. Cinder cone Steep sides, shorter peaks Cylindrical shape Magma is less thick High amounts of gas Generally harmless eruptions Ex. Stromboli (Italy), Paricutin (Mexico)

14 Shield volcano Largest volcanoes Broad, gentle sloping sides Usually build up from the sea floor Runny magma High or low amounts of gas Ex. Mauna Loa (Hawaii)

15 Effects of Volcanos Lava Ash Fragments of rock less than 2mm in size
Lahars Mudflows formed from ash, debris and water

16 Avalanches & landslides
Pyroclastic flows Mixture of hot gas, ash, and other rocks travelling very quickly down the slopes

17 Mount St. Helens Back from the Dead

18 Monitoring a Volcano 1. Shape of Volcano Tilt Crack openings
2. Seismicity The frequency, magnitude, location, and type of earthquakes

19 3. Gas Geochemistry Gas samples are collected from active vents Gases include carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide Composition of the gas Rate of gas emission

20 4. Geology 5. Hydrologic Regime Lava & rock samples
Changes in ground water Temperature Level Rates of streamflow Stream & ice accumulation

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