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Dr Jean Christophe Denis Outreach Officer, University of Starthcylde

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Jean Christophe Denis Outreach Officer, University of Starthcylde"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Jean Christophe Denis Outreach Officer, University of Starthcylde
NBIC and Ogden Science Officer and Outreach Officer, Edinburgh University & Dr Kirsty Ross Outreach Officer, University of Starthcylde

2 Libraries and Universities: a match made in heaven?
Dr Jean-Christophe Denis, University of Edinburgh Dr Kirsty Ross, University of Strathclyde

3 Who are we? Outreach/Public Engagement officers Why are we speaking?
What do we have to offer libraries?


5 Pensieve tubes Worked as a physics researcher before current role
Aims at raising science/physics aspirations of children and families Make physics accessible and fun Engage people with current physics research Empower people with to deliver physics/science activities

6 The EPSRC and MRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Optical Medical Imaging




10 Why do unis want to do this?
Community gatekeepers Book borrowing tracking: Evaluation dream! Why do unis want to do this? Linking science with other disciplines Access to “Hard to reach” public Free community space (From Dundee School of Life Sciences)

11 Why should libraries tap into this?

12 List of questions that we could talk through
Who do we get in contact with? What sort of help is available? Is there a booking site or similar?

13 How do you pay for it?! Free to take part in Skype A Scientist
The EPSRC and MRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Optical Medical Imaging Free to take part in Skype A Scientist Meet scientists from around the world Zooniverse Citizen science Letters to a Pre-Scientist Pen pal scheme (USA) Dark Sky count Not just England; UK wide RSPB Butterfly count; iSpot; Nature’s Calendar Citizen science projects Funding sources RocketFund Crowdfunding tech for schools British Science Association British Science week (£500-£1000) Royal Society Partnership grants (Up to £3000 ; deadline end of Feb) Scientific Societies e.g. SPIE, Microbiology Society, British Society for Immunology, Institute of Physics

Time to have a go! Thank you for listening; please do us any time to bounce ideas around!

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