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Technology Tools: The Integration Bridge for the English Strands

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Tools: The Integration Bridge for the English Strands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Tools: The Integration Bridge for the English Strands
Conley and Haws

2 Introduction Annette Conley: Reading Specialist at Thoroughgood Elementary @Amconley49 Jennifer Haws: Assistant Principal at Glenwood Elementary @jehaws

3 Changes to SOLs Reflect Changes in Society
Technology is everywhere! We process information using a variety of modes. Resources: 2017 English Curriculum Framework Videos Link to SOL 2017 Format Changes: Link to VDOE Five Cs Document

4 Focus on Multimodal Literacy
Link to Multimodal Literacy resource by Kathy A Mills and Len Unsworth “The study of language that combines 2 or more modes of meaning making.” “Modes include speech, gesture, written language, music, mathematical notation, drawings, photographic images, moving digital images…. *MORE THAN reciprocal processes – Exponential potential!

5 Literacy Strands Unite with Support from Technology
Reading Writing Communication Research Vocabulary Computer Science

6 Our Targets for Today – 5Cs
Critical Thinking: Technology required Communicating Understanding through interacting with On-line texts Collaboration through Google Tools Creation and Inquiry through Publication Possibilities Digital Citizenship Considerations

7 Getting Started You must build your Technology knowledge first so you can build others!

8 Technology Researchers
David Sheninger – Digital Pioneer, Principal, Digital Innovator, Researcher Matt Miller – Teacher turned Tech expert: Twitter contributor, Blogger, Speaker Kristin Ziemke – Current teacher and technology integration specialist Alice Keeler – All things Google!

9 Twitter Helps Keep up with the latest ideas by following the pack leaders! Link to Twitter

10 The Five C’s Profile of a Virginia Graduate identified the knowledge and skills students should attain during high school in order to be successful; The “5 C’s”:  critical thinking,  creative thinking,  collaboration,  communication and  citizenship;

11 Communicating Understanding
Communication is the first C Through oral communication ties can be made between the strands: Writing Reading Research

12 Interacting with Online Texts
Students need to experience online texts! (to build stamina) Link to Readworks Link to Newsela Link to books/ Link to Library of Congress (Digital) Link to Epic! (Free for teachers) pdf sources

13 Annotation resources Link to Kami
Image of text annotation completed using the free Google Extension Kami

14 Annotation Resource Link to PDF candy
Image of the home-screen from PDF Candy

15 Annotation Resource for Webpages
Link to Insertlearning Assignments can be assigned through Google Classroom. Image for sample annotated webpage.

16 The Next C: Collaboration
Image of collaboration synonyms

17 Google as a Tool for Collaboration
Sharing Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms Multiple Editors Providing Feedback Linking readers’ response (commenting on other posts through Google Classroom)

18 Google Tricks Use the Share button to add collaborators to each document You can provide editing rights to collaborators Track Changes and monitor comments using Google Documents, Drawings, and Slides

19 Using Slides to Save Time!
Create a template and assign students specific page numbers. The teacher doesn’t have to access many documents for assessment purposes. It is easy to make comments! Multiple kids can work on the same slide.

20 Google Training Link to Google Certified Educator online training
If you need help with the training turn to Alice Keeler and Eric Curts– researchers for Google tricks Link to Eric Curts

21 Critical Thinking Image of kids working together around a computer

22 Critical Thinking with Flipgrid
Link to Flipgrid Images of sample Flipgrid

23 Critical Thinking with BookSnaps
Link to Booksnaps This idea was created by Tara Martin Link to Tara Image of a sample BookSnap

24 BookSnaps Support Specific Objectives
Fiction Ideas: Identify characters, setting, and important events; Make connections between texts; Identify the conflict and resolution. Nonfiction Ideas: Ask and answer questions; Preview the selection using text features; distinguish between fact and opinion

25 Creative thinking Clipart Image of a child with a lightbulb above his head

26 Image Flood By showing a collection of 5-15 images, student inquiry and curiosity can be stimulated as an introduction to a new unit of study. Image of a computer with a sunflower picture.

27 Creativity with Reading Frenzies
The teacher collects a selection of various texts all on the same topic. Students get to choose their texts, stop, read, and record facts from their reading on a large sheet of paper. Image of a Reading Frenzy

28 Creativity with Screencastify
This Google Extension allows the user to caste their computer screen and record a video explaining their thinking Link to Screencastify Image of a Screencastify sample

29 Digital Citizenship Using online information/sources
requires awareness and training (staff and students) Inclusive Computing Culture (Link to VDOE Computer Science Standards)

30 The SIPS Method Source Information Purpose Support
Don’t “gulp” information! Take it one little “sip” at a time!

31 Final Notes 5Cs and Reading strands are supported through technology.
Choose one idea and build Contact us for questions/help! Let your kids help build the future!

32 Disclaimer Reference within this presentation to any specific commercial or non-commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Department of Education.

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