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WESTAR (State Caucus) Recommendations

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1 WESTAR (State Caucus) Recommendations
WRAP Workplan WESTAR (State Caucus) Recommendations AMC meeting Denver, CO August 28, 2007

2 Motivation and Drivers
WRAP Board request for workplan ?? Funding for RPOs after 2008 WRAP Board interest in maintaining technical capacity WRAP Board interest in other AQ issues Possible decrease in STAG for states ID most effective and efficient ways to manage air programs in the west WRAP and WESTAR have historically operated independently with clearly defined areas of interest. WRAP has been funded for regional haze work, WESTAR has worked in other program areas. Other differences in organization and operation are apparent. There was considerable interest not only in offering input for the WRAP workplan, but also in future roles of WRAP and WESTAR, mostly prompted by the prospect of significant reductions in section 105 program grant assistance to states, (WESTAR) and in grants to RPOs (WRAP)

3 Process Subgroup of state directors - Objectives
Summarize roles, organization, operation, program areas addressed by WRAP and WESTAR Establish essential support elements needed by states to support haze plan implementation Recommend future roles, responsibilities for regional support of state air programs for WRAP and WESTAR The subgroup held a series of conference calls and a meeting to review several iterations of the objectives. The summary of roles, organization, etc. are in Appendix A of the report WRAP staff was asked to participate as a resource

4 Summary of Recommendations
ID current roles and responsibilities Side-by-side comparison Ongoing support for regional haze Essential elements needed: WRAP keep minimum technical capabilities for issue resolution, implementation, and setup for 5-year reviews Staffing Technical tools – TSS, EDMS, CoHa, VIEWS, RMC, FTS, etc. Continue forum, committee structure Contract as needed, within resource limits Budget for essential regional haze support elements as part of WRAP workplan ID current roles and responsibilities – Appendix A in report. This is a side-by-side comparison of membership organization, operation and scope of programs, budget. RH is high priority - Elements for RH are listed and appear as Appendix C in the report

5 Summary of Recommendations
Future Roles and Responsibilities-beyond regional haze Assume essential elements for regional haze support are funded and in place Recognize and utilize respective strengths of WRAP and WESTAR WRAP broad, high-level membership and technical capacity WESTAR focused membership (state air directors) with broad policy and continuous training capacity Budget estimates for additional support as part of WRAP workplan WRAP provides high-level policy support where that level is needed – i.e. with consensus of tribes, FLMs EPA WESTAR provides ongoing policy support in many areas, as well as ongoing training WRAP provides technical support-regional analyses

6 Summary of Recommendations
Closer WRAP/WESTAR coordination is essential Needs for regional support will evolve More efficient – share activity responsibilities Synergism Avoid duplication of effort Factor support needs for tribes, FLMs

7 Summary of Recommendations
Future Roles and Responsibilities Air programs other than haze from WESTAR survey Climate Change NAAQS – Ozone and PM Mercury New Source Review/PSD Other- Oil &Gas and Critical Loads

8 Summary of Recommendations
Future Roles and Responsibilities Important activity areas from WESTAR survey Peer-to-peer communication, phone, meetings, conferences on regional issues Training on technical tools Regional impact analyses, technical studies, emissions, monitoring, modeling

9 Questions?

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