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South China Sea (SCS) Crisis

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1 South China Sea (SCS) Crisis
How does today’s South China Sea Crisis compare (differences and similarities) to what you’ve learned about the Cold War, World War II, World War I or another situation with which you are familiar? Possible answers: Countries like Japan, China, and the US think conflict might be averted due to the high volume of trade ($5T) that passes through the SCS annually. The European antagonists in WWI thought war would be prevented by the mutual desire for continued prosperity through trade and were utterly surprised when it did not. Like in the Cold War with the demise of Germany and the USSR and US action to fill the space, a power vacuum exists in the SCS given that most of the bordering countries are relatively economically poorer and/or their militaries are weaker than China. China is just filling the power vacuum and the US is responding to China’s action. Like the US and USSR who acted out of fear and distrust of the other’s intentions to begin the Cold War, China and US are responding in kind.

2 End Four Minutes First Four Chart Activity #4 Label & date your paper.
Pp in Blue Book Identify a transitional phrase & explain what it is doing. Keep this with all of your other First Four work. To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End

3 Today’s Agenda Intro Unit 2.1 – Roots of Cold War
Major Themes & Unit Question Finish Projects from Last Class Brief presentations Breakdown of the Wartime Alliances PowerPoint & Notes

4 End Four Minutes First Four Chart Activity #5 Label & date your paper.
Summarize a source P. 98 – Either B or D What is the main message and/or major points? Keep this with all of your other First Four work. To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End

5 Transitional Phrases If you had trouble with the First Four exercise, find a good writing resource center that will help you improve your writing. The link above is at the University of Wisconsin. If you do not consider yourself a good writer, think about your reading habits. Do you think about what your reading when you are doing it? Do you take notes or write post-it’s to help your understanding and comprehension? It follows that good writers are good readers too. Readers that struggle usually also struggle with their writing.

6 How does fear affect our behavior?
Unit Question How does fear affect our behavior? Major Themes

7 Group Projects Pp Visual – comic book, mind map, chart/graph, kids book, etc. What was the Cold War? How have different historians explained its causes? How were American & Soviet ideas so different? How did the demise of Germany contribute to it?

8 Guiding Question How did the USA-USSR alliance begin to break down in 1945? The break-up of WW II allies…

9 During the War, Britain and the USA were allies of the Soviet Union.
What happened? Germany? Ideology?

10 In 1945, the Big Three held two conferences – at Yalta and Potsdam – to try to sort out how they would organize the world after the war.   It was at these conferences that the tensions between the two sides became obvious.

11 Yalta Conference Newsreel

12 Goals of the Big Three FDR Spread democracy in Europe Trusted Stalin
US & USSR on good terms

13 Goals of the Big Three Churchill Did not trust Stalin
Concerned about a free Europe – stop spread of communism Britain had gone to war in 1939 to protect Poland – didn’t want to abandon them to USSR

14 Goals of the Big Three Stalin Obsessed with security for USSR
Protection from any future invasion Wanted control of Poland

15 Yalta Divide Germany into four ‘zones of occupation.
Bring Nazi war-criminals to trial. USSR got huge part of Eastern Poland Free elections as soon as possible in Poland. Help people of Europe set up democratic and self-governing countries Creation of United Nations USSR to help US fight Japan in exchange for islands north of Japan

16 Assignment 2 What characters and/or symbols to you see?
What is the message? This cartoon by the American cartoonist Paul Plaschke appeared in the Chicago Tribune in early 1945.

17 Yalta Conference Review

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