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Data specifications for IED Annex II Module 4

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1 Data specifications for IED Annex II Module 4
Development of electronic reporting tools for the industrial emissions directive 2010/75/EU (reporting period 2013 – 2016) 1st Workshop with Member States 09 March 2016 Data specifications for IED Annex II Module 4 European Commission DG ENV C4 – Industrial Emissions

2 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Objective of Module 4 Implementation of Decision wording in 2012/795/EU - Annex II - COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of Directive 2010/75/EU, Includes “Waste incineration and co-incineration” plants and more precise for plants covered by Chapter IV of Directive 2010/75/EU. 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

3 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Reporting Period Reporting period: For this reporting cycle module 4 concerns: each waste incineration plant and waste co-incineration plant with a capacity of 2 tonnes or more per hour, provide: Information on the functioning and monitoring of the plant, The level of emissions into air and water, in comparison with the emission limit values, 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

4 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Main sections Α description of how this information has been made available to the public, including a link to any relevant websites created for this purpose (Article 55(2), Identify the plants for which competent authorities have authorized conditions under Article 51(1), (2) or (3) as well as the actual conditions authorized and the results of verifications made in this respect–(Article 51(4) & Solvent Emissions for installations covered by Chapter V of Directive 2010/75/EU 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

5 Q 11.2.1 - Basic information on the plant
INSPIRE Id which will be provided according to guidelines presented during Module 2 presentation, Type of plant - waste incineration / cement kiln co-incinerating waste / combustion plant co-incinerating waste / other (specify) & Plant Name, Operator Name, Address, Long-Lat NOTE 1: for plants between 2-3 t/h answers should be optional. NOTE 2: in some specific plants the above information will be extracted from Module 2 - IED Installations. 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

6 Q 11.2.a - Functioning and monitoring information
Capacity of waste throughput (tones/year), Amount of waste incinerated (tones/year) & Types of wastes that are incinerated – as a checklist supporting multiple selection (Values: municipal waste, hazardous waste, wood waste, medical waste, sewage sludge, other non hazardous waste). 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

7 Q 11.2.b Running of the (co-)incineration process
operational hours number of break-downs cumulative duration of break-downs (hours) NOTE 1: we took into account AT comment about the availability of the above information. Therefore, a tick box is provided when the data is not available 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

8 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Q 11.2.c - Emissions level Level of emissions into air Depending on – “Type of plant” individual tables are provided (Emission limit values, unit (ELV), averaging period, maximum level of emissions, average level of emissions, number of measurements per year) Level of emissions into water An expandable table is provided including polluting substances of Annex V 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

9 Q 11.2.d - Information sharing to the public
A description of how this information has been made available to the public. Text box is provided for this question link to any relevant websites created for this purpose (Article 55(2)). 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

10 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Q Identify the plants for which competent authorities have authorized conditions Identify the plants for which competent authorities have authorized conditions under Article 51(1), (2) or (3) as well as the actual conditions authorized and the results of verifications made in this respect–(Article 51(4)): Article 50(1) - organic carbon content of slag and bottom ashes – Yes/No tick box, together with two explanation text box – a) Actual conditions authorized & b) Results of verifications, Article 50(2) - temperature of at least 850 °C / °C for at least two seconds - Yes/No tick box, together with two explanation text box – a) Actual conditions authorised & b) Results of verifications, 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

11 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Q Identify the plants for which competent authorities have authorized conditions Article 50(3) - waste incineration combustion chambers equipped with at least one auxiliary burner – Yes/No tick box, together with two explanation text box – a) Actual conditions authorised & b) Results of verifications, Article 50(4) - automatic system to prevent waste feed, related to temperature burner – Yes/No tick box, together with two explanation text box – a) Actual conditions authorised & b) Results of verifications 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

12 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Q For each waste (co-) incineration plant with a capacity below 2 tonnes per hour INSPIRE Id which will be provided according to guidelines presented during Module 2 presentation Type of plant - waste incineration / cement kiln co-incinerating waste / combustion plant co-incinerating waste / other (specify) Plant Name, Operator Name, Address, Long-Lat NOTE 1: information has to be made available based on Article 55 (3) (list of plant with a nominal capacity of less than 2 tonnes per hour shall be made available to the public) and Article 51 (4) (in accordance with the reporting requirements under Article 72). NOTE 2: in some specific plants the above information will be aligned with Module 2 and E-PRTR / Seveso. 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

13 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Q Actual conditions authorised under Article 51(1), (2) or (3) Identification of the actual conditions authorised. Article 50(1) - organic carbon content of slag and bottom ashes Article 50(2) - temperature of at least 850 °C / °C for at least two seconds Article 50(3) - waste incineration combustion chambers equipped with at least one auxiliary burner Article 50(4) - automatic system to prevent waste feed, related to temperature – Yes/No tick box, together with two explanation text box for each article – a) Actual conditions authorised & b) Results of verifications 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

14 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Q Solvent Emissions For installations covered by Chapter V of Directive 2010/75/EU: Where Member States have opted to apply a reduction scheme (as described in Annex VII, Part 5) instead of emission limit values and report the progress that has been made in achieving an equivalent emission reduction (Article 59(1)(b))? -> An explanation text box is provided Identify the plants for which derogations were granted in accordance with Article 59(2) or Article 59(3), as well as the justification for granting such derogations. 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

15 Q 12.1 - Article 59(2) or Article 59(3),
More than one Plant INSPIRE Id entry is possible IED INSPIRE Id, if chapter V in question is indicated, Plant Name, Operator Name, Address (street, town, postal code, country), Competent authority for granting permits / derogations – NOTE: Align with module 2 & E-PRTR/Seveso, Type of derogation - Article 59 (2) or Article 59 (3) – Tick box & Justification for the derogation issued – Text box. 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

16 Demo Presentation URL 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

17 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels
Thank you Any questions ? 22/7/2019 1st Workshop with Member States, 09 March 2016, Brussels

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