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tert mutant zebrafish can be bred for only one generation.

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1 tert mutant zebrafish can be bred for only one generation.
tert mutant zebrafish can be bred for only one generation. (A) Larval survival curve (Kaplan-Meier representation) of four different genetic backgrounds. n, number of zebrafish per genotype. Statistical significance was assessed using the Log Rank test. (B) tert mutant zebrafish eggs and their corresponding dechorionated embryos had a smaller size than their wild-type siblings at 24 hpf (n≥50). Statistical significance according to Student’s t-test (P< ). (C) Mean telomeric fluorescence values of 24-hpf embryos (n≥100) from wild-type and mutant genetic backgrounds. Data are mean values ± s.e.m. and different letters (a, b, c) denote statistically significant differences among telomeric fluorescence values of each sample according to a Tukey test (P<0.05). (D) Histograms showing telomere fluorescence frequencies. The red lines demarcate the percentage of the shortest (<1400 a.u.f.) and the longest (>2000 a.u.f.) telomeres. a.u.f., arbitrary units of fluorescence. Monique Anchelin et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2013;6: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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