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Palliative & End of Life Care

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Presentation on theme: "Palliative & End of Life Care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Palliative & End of Life Care
LAS Strategy for Palliative & End of Life Care Dr Diane Laverty Macmillan Nurse Consultant Palliative & EoLC London Ambulance Service NHS Trust

2 Average On Scene Time (min)
What Do We Do? ( ) Almost 2 million calls to 999 Attended 1.1 million incidents PC coded calls – 3111 31% average of PC calls conveyed to ED Sector Name Total EOLC Average On Scene Time (min) Conveyed to ED ED % North Central Sector 509 74 178 34.97% North East Sector 591 69 212 35.87% North West Sector 921 77 248 26.93% South East Sector 608 76 181 29.77% South West Sector 486 71 138 28.40%

3 Ambulance Clinicians Training
The 3 P’s: Preserve life Promote recovery Prevent deterioration

4 Reversible emergencies
Resuscitation decisions Decision Making Bereavement Paediatrics Advance care planning Symptom Control Reversible emergencies Communication National strategy Holistic care Part 1– introduction, patient assessment and considering psycho/social/emotional care. Part 2 – focus on patient management and practical aspects of care.

5 The EoLC Challenge for LAS
Non expert clinicians Time pressured situations No pre-existing knowledge of patient/family Limited documentation/information Variable OOH provision for specialist support

6 What information can help us look after your patients
What information can help us look after your patients? How can we stop unnecessary conveyances to ED & keep patient at home – if that is their wish?

7 Coordinate my Care (CMC)
CMC plan, detailing: Personal & professional contact details PPC/PPD/DNACPR decisions Patient/family awareness Treatment escalation plans Symptom control hints & tips, including non pharmacological interventions

8 Anticipatory Medications
Anticipatory medications when it is clear your patient is nearing end of life Paramedics CAN administer anticipatory medications Clear, unambiguous drug prescription / authorisation chart & stock balance chart

9 Advice, Collaboration & Support
Creation of Appropriate Care Pathways (ACP’s) Collaboration between hospices and LAS Identifying SPA / 24/7 advice & support service If you know/think you have one, please contact us!

10 What Can You Do? Can you be sure that your patients who are nearing EOL have a CMC care plan and anticipatory medications available? Do you have a system/process OOH for access to advice & support? Can we create an appropriate care pathway together? Would you be able to offer paramedic placement opportunities for shared learning ?


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