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北师大版 高二 Module 8 Unit 24.

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1 北师大版 高二 Module 8 Unit 24

2 Language Awareness

3 young Middle aged ? over the age of 60 aged

4 Are societies ageing too fast?

5 Step 1 Read the text and then divide it into several parts. Part 1:
Introduction Reasons (reasons of global population change)

6 Part 3: Part 4: Problems (problems that ageing society experience) Solution (solution to this population change)

7 Step 2 Read the text and answer these questions.
1. How would you define an ageing society? It is one in which the population of people over the age of 60 is increasing.

8 2. What are two reasons why societies are ageing?
(1) dramatic health advances have added 20 years to the average life-expectancy. (2) birthrates have dropped

9 3. What problems can an ageing society experience?
(1) a huge financial burden will be placed on the government (2) medical schemes will face bankruptcy

10 4. What do experts suggest we do?
They suggest that people ought to work until they’re older and governments need to establish a sound social security system.

11 Step 3 Read the text again and underline
all sentences with the following verbs and expressions: should, ought to, insist, suggest, it’s high time

12 Experts insist that steps should be taken now to prepare for the future.
2. They suggest that they ought to work longer. 3. They also suggest that individuals start saving as soon as possible to ensure a financially secure retirement.

13 4. People should develop good health habits in their youth.
5. It’s high time we stopped seeing ageing as a disease.

14 Step 4 In pairs, tell your partner what he/she should do to prepare for the future using the words below. should, ought to, insist, suggest, it’s high time

15 Complete the story with the correct forms
of should, ought to, insist, suggest, it’s high time, demand Yesterday when I _________ that my dad give me a raise in my monthly pocket money, he immediately __________ that I show him my bank account details. suggested demanded

16 I _______ that I wasn’t in debt-I just wanted to buy a great jacket and didn’t have enough money. My dad said I ______n’t always want to buy clothes and _________ think about people who don’t have enough money for food. insisted should ought to

17 He also said ______________ I started learning to save money for university and the future as clothes wouldn’t get me a good job or a comfortable retirement one day. it was high time

18 Language points 1. at present 目前 2. 1 person in every 10 10人里有1人
3. one reason is that…, another is that…原因之一…之二… 4. measures to…解决…的方法 5. contribute to sth. 贡献

19 6. insist 1) insist on/ upon+名词     They insisted on a definite answer.      2) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构)     She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible.

20 3) (1) insist作“坚决要求”、“一定要”,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,即 (should) +动词原形.
如: Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school.

21 (2) insist作“坚持说”、“坚持认为”时, 用陈述语气。
如: Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong.

22 7. take steps\ measures 采取措施
8. secure (adj.) –security (n.) security personnel 保安人员 9. solve\ tackle the problems 解决问题 10. It is high time (that) …did…. 该做…的时候了

23 ? Respect Love Help Optimism Healthy habit

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