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Did God really command  Genocide?.

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Presentation on theme: "Did God really command  Genocide?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Did God really command  Genocide?

2 Deuteronomy 7:2  Deuteronomy  20:16  Joshua 11:11-12;  I Samuel 15: 3.

3 ‘Anyone who has seen me  has seen the Father.’ John 14: 9

4 Making Sense of the Old Testament God
Is God a Moral Monster?  Making Sense of the Old Testament God by  Paul Copan (2011)


6 Did God Really Command Genocide? ​
Coming to Terms with the Justice of God​ By ​ Paul Copan and Matthew Flannagan ​ (2014)​


8 What does this passage tell us about God and His dealings with his people?
Does this passage in any way look forward to Jesus and His salvation? How would Jesus and His followers have understood this passage, and, more specifically, is it quoted or alluded to in the New Testament?  What is God the Holy Spirit saying to us here in this church today from this passage?


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