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South American Countries

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1 South American Countries
Breanna- Argentina Kristen-Brazil Tia-Columbia Sam - Cuba Kirsti- Venezuela

2 U.S. Diabetes Data 1999

3 U.S. Diabetes Data 2003

4 The Average American Family

5 South America Countries: Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, and Venezuela
South Americans eat three meals daily Plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and Cassava flour Coffee is consumed heavily in Argentina

6 The South American Family

7 Argentina Percentage of Population with Diabetes

8 Argentina (continued)
The most prevalent treatment in Argentina is insulin injections 38% of the people in Argentina have a BMI of >30 The mean age of persons diagnosed with diabetes is 51 53% have hyperlipidemia (an elevation of lipids—fats—in the bloodstream) 51% have hypertension (high blood pressure) 50% are considered obese

9 Venezuela Very low diabetes rates Main diet consist of low sugars
7.3% are diabetic 14.8% are obese

10 Venezuela vs. United States
The US has higher diabetes rates than Venezuela US has a higher obesity rate Venezuelans eat mainly organic foods and Americans eat mainly fast food From the data about half of the people interviewed had poor diets

11 Venezuela

12 Venezuela, 1998

13 Brazil Today 8.5 Million Brazilians have diabetes
90% have Type II and 10% have Type I 10% are insulin users In 2007, 31 Brazilians with diabetes participated in a research trial for a new treatment therapy involving stem cells.

14 Brazil Diabetes is expected to affect an additional 233,333 a year in Brazil By 2025 it is expected to effect 12 million in

15 Colombia 10 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 90

16 Things to Know About Diabetes In Colombia
67% diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 7% of the total population diagnosed The age range of diagnosed 30% percent of those diagnosed are children Most not treated because they can not afford hospitals cost

17 Cuba Community-based educational programs are the biggest help in preventing diabetes Main foods in Cuban diet include: beans, roots, vegetables, pork, and chicken (Special Period) rates death from diabetes decreased Diabetes is now the ninth cause of death in Cuba Diabetes rates are expected to triple by 2025 across the world

18 Diabetes in Cuba and the United States
% per 100,000

19 References

20 References
Reference Type: journal, WHO Global InfoBase reference: Hernández RE et al. Prevalence of diabetes and obesity in an urban population of Argentina Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 1987, 3: Reference Type: electronic citation, WHO Global InfoBase reference: Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetees per 100 Population, by Age, United States, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics NHIS, 2002( cdc gov/diabetes/statistics/prev/national/notes htm( Reference Type: unpublished work IB Ref: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), Personal communication: Sandra Ham, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

21 References Kittler.P.G., and Sucher, K.P. (2001) Retrieved January 29, 2009 from South American, Diet of Nutritional Status Web site: Dunhum, Will. (2008) Retrieved January 29,2009 from New diabetes rate up 90 percent in past decade. Web site:

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