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ECIC GEMS: Budget Training

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Presentation on theme: "ECIC GEMS: Budget Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECIC GEMS: Budget Training

2 Agenda Overview of GEMS navigation Review GEMS budget process
Creating a SOE Creating a LIT

3 Navigating the GEMS Budget
Budget Header Budget Details

4 The GEMS Budget Process: Order and Reminders
The Investment Corporation creates yearly budgets- completing the information that comprises the budget header and the Total ECIC Approved Funds Resource Centers edit and submit the budget for official approval A budget can not be submitted unless the total matches the total amount listed in Total ECIC Approved Funds Only while a budget has a status of New/Reopened are you able to delete records from the budget When creating this budget (with a New or Reopened status) you can only add records, delete records or modify/edit records Once the main budget has been Approved you are now able to create and submit Statements of Expenditures and Line Item Transfer requests It is important to enter a Line Item Transfer request prior to a Statement of Expenditure if you plan on expensing for the requested adjustment totals within the same quarter The system will produce an error message if you try to create more than one SOE or LIT for the same quarter

5 Improved SOE Process: updates and changes
Pay Period options include quarterly as well as monthly selections. At this time continue using quarterly SOE pay periods Once your budget has been Approved you can begin a SOE by clicking Add You are able to select any of the line items at this time. When entering Salary and Fringe Benefits it is important to FIRST enter the Salary expenses, otherwise an error will generate that you have exceeded the %35 fringe allowance Once you have saved, your Line Items will populate. You will then need to select edit to begin entering expense amounts

6 Improved SOE Process: updates and changes
Begin inputting line item expenses by selecting Edit in the top navigation menu Please note: You will not be able to expense any line item greater than $1, or 110% of the Line Item Total Exceeding this rule will trigger an error with the Line Item Transaction- not per individual record You will not be allowed to expense any line item over the Approved Budget Total Infant/Toddler expenses can not be greater than the Expense Amount Total in each record Required fields are highlighted yellow, and improved tabbing allows for more intuitive movement throughout the screen. Additionally, key fields have been renamed for increased clarity.

7 SOE: $1,000.00 or 110% and Infant Toddler Rules Examples
You will also trigger an error message if ever trying to expense for an invoice amount that is higher than the Total ECIC Approved funds amount. Entering Infant Toddler Expenses $1, or 110% Rule

8 Improved SOE Process: updates and changes
When any of the above errors exist in your SOE, the Submit button will be greyed out until corrected. You are able to save your data and come back and fix any overages at your convenience.

9 Improved SOE Process: updates and changes
Please be sure to save your progress. Hitting cancel will delete the updates applied to this SOE. The system will generate a popup message asking if you would like to move forward with canceling and thus lose ALL of your data.

10 Once you have completed your SOE and saved your data, you can select to Submit. The system will then confirm and select yes to complete this process.

11 Now color coded for better viewing
Updated SOE Reports Added: Cumulative I/T Expenses and I/T as a percentage Now color coded for better viewing

12 Improved LIT Process: updates and changes
It is also important that you enter responses to the Line Item Increases, Line Item Decreases, and Impact- located at the bottom of the LIT Follow the same process as SOE creation: First select the payment period, then hit save. The line items will then sync with the budget records. By clicking edit you can enter any line item and begin inputting transfer details. Always hit save before exiting this screen to save all data. Cancel will delete your data.

13 Submitting will lock your LIT preventing further edits
Improved LIT Process: updates and changes Please remember: Line Item Transfers must balance by removing and adding funds between line items. Negative transfers will be shown with a minus mark. For example -$ for a removal of funds. Additions of funds will be shown as the following: $ In this example the amounts balance and this LIT could be submitted for approval. Total transfer amount should be equal to zero when you are ready to submit. Submitting will lock your LIT preventing further edits

14 Updated LIT Request Template
Updates include: Budget Id Populates the name of the fiscal contact person Includes two decimal places All numbers are right aligned with in the cell Year options have been removed

15 Let’s move to the system demonstration!
Upcoming Deadlines: FY13 First Quarter, October 1 through December 31, 2012, (Due Tuesday January 15, 2013) Let’s move to the system demonstration!

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