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Agenda Thursday, October 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Thursday, October 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Thursday, October 16, 2014

2 “I can…” Write an editorial correctly.
Define and explain a rhetorical question. Determine the affect(s) of an allusion.

3 Agenda 1. Reading and writing of an editorial
2. Pass out Interactive Notebooks 3. View PowerPoint on persuasive techniques with an emphasis on rhetorical question and allusion 4. View Lebron James’ Nike commercial 5. Discuss Nike commerical 6. Practice worksheet and “I Have, Who Has” game for allusion Ticket to Exit

4 Homework Read/listen to Patrick Henry’s speech “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” and identify two examples of an allusion and two examples of a rhetorical question. In he textbook on page Write an editorial on a selected topic. Go to the following link to learn how to write an editorial. 

5 Editorials List of editorials: “Losing the Race Against Ebola”
“Nursing Homes Behind Bars” “The Importance of Taping Interrogations” “Yes to Marijuana Ballot Measures” Read two of the above editorials and a complete worksheet titled “Editorials as Persuasive Writing”

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