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Graduate Thesis GRAD 699 (90)

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1 Graduate Thesis GRAD 699 (90)
Agile in Public Sector Kajal Patel 122568

2 Abstract Purpose: Identify pros and cons of agile methodology in public sector projects. Thesis to provide : Results to support the findings Solution to existing issues with agile Compare Agile V/s Traditional in Public Sector

3 Thesis & CPT PMO Office – Project Initiation to Implementation Phase
Transition from Traditional to Agile Application of real time experience in agile Apply practical vs educational knowledge in agile

4 Thesis & CPT Help identify high level Issues for transition to agile
Help with applying real time experience in agile Practical vs Educational knowledge in agile

5 Introduction Agile widely accepted in IT and non IT related projects.
Agile method has number of benefits as compared to the traditional development methods in software development lifecycle. Majorly used for software development and hence more suited to iterative development of solutions in small working prototypes.

6 Introduction Lessons Learned by Implementing Agile in Public Sector.
Analyze the best practices, issues, mitigation Benefits of Agile

7 Problem Statement Study the effect of the applied agile method in the organization and document the results Study the methodology independent of organization and solely based on project delivery Adopt a module for Agile v/s Traditional Methodology

8 Problem Statement Understand the negatives or positives of Agile in public sector Study the effect of Agile without the dependence on organization Hybrid V/s Traditional V/s Agile

9 Literature Review SDLC Challenges
Aggressive iterations are not suitable to security and risk assessment activity Security Assurance Challenges Security supports in detailed documentations Tests are normally insufficient for implementation of security requirements

10 Literature Review Incremental Development Challenges
Continues code changes will result in lack of quality assurance/testing activities or result in low quality of assurance Constant change results in difficulty of traceability of requirements and security items

11 Literature Review Management Challenges
Lack of support from Upper Management Training Challenges Lack of incentive to build security requirements into the system in early iterations

12 Solution Approach (methodology)
Literature Review – Agile Conduct a detailed literature review of agile application on projects Study the effects of agile on projects Interviews & Questionnaire – Project Team Interview and understand the user inputs Study the pain points and positives of transition

13 Solution Approach (methodology)
Module Implementation – Agile & Waterfall Implement module using agile Implement same module with traditional/waterfall Compare suitability to Public Sector Anonymous Survey Understand the widely used methodology

14 Results & Findings Survey Name - Methodology Happy - Agile
Training Good Increase P/E Issues Training User 1 Yes User 2 Neutral No User 3 User 4 User 5

15 Results & Findings Agile Vs Traditional Implementation
Project Types using Agile – Software Currently using Agile & Why – Quick Results Agile Adoption – Influenced by – Output & Efficiency

16 Results & Findings Problems Face in adopting Agile – Resistance to Change Positives of Agile – Working Prototype Issues/Problems with Agile - Constant Rework/Iterations Agile Training – Most Important for user to accept agile

17 Results & Findings Agile Project Types Current Agile v/s Others

18 Results & Findings Agile Implementation Influenced Problems in Agile Implementation

19 Results & Findings Anonymous Survey Name - Methodology
Extent of Use (%) Water Fall 55% Agile 35% Pair Programming 5% XP

20 Discussions Different ways to successfully transition to agile were discussed and studied Planning & Training Overcome resistance to change User Involvement Type of Projects for Agile Hybrid Suitability?

21 Recommendation educate Users of benefits of agile –
How it supports their day to day activities and help them achieve the goals. How agile will help organization to meet their goals and how it fits into their strategic initiatives. hire an agile coach or provide training to members and make them confident enough to accept and work in an agile environment. Encourage the non-web based projects to adapt to agile and have teams record results for success or failure, provide the lessons learned that could be studied and used for future.

22 Future Work Importance of Training Analysis to understand the reason how not being properly trained could cause a difficulty in implementation of agile. Issue Resolution Future study to conduct an in depth and detailed analysis to find all the issues faced with Agile in Public and Private sectors. Social Factors The other research opportunity is to compare how the social factors affect in each organization and how it affects the success of agile.

23 Conclusion Agile transition should be well informed and planned
Educate the users with benefits of agile Training efforts to make them more comfortable Find the type of projects which are best suited for agile

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