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Transformative publishing Agreements within the context of `Plan S´

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1 Transformative publishing Agreements within the context of `Plan S´
Rethinking Academia, University of Vienna, Brigitte Kromp, Guido Blechl, Rita Pinhasi Vienna University Library Good afternoon and welcome eyerybody My talk will be about Universities and OA - current status, challenges, goals, This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence

2 Plan S in a nutshell Is an initiative for Open Access publishing
Supported by cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funders. Scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants must be published in compliant OA journals or platforms. Start date: 1 Jan 2020 Now let me come back to more recent developments in OA that concerns the universities: Plan S Plan S is an initiative for OA Publishing with the goal to make full and immediate OA a reality in the very near future. Plan S was launched by the coalition S requirying that scientific publications which result ……

3 Plan S compliance - options
Publishing in fully OA journals Depositing scholarly articles in Open Access repositories without embargo Publishing in hybrid journals under a transformative OA agreement So what can researchers do to be Plan S compliant? There are more or less three options to fullfill Plan S requirements: …… As the first two cases are selfexplaining I will concentrate with my last slides on the aspect of the so called transformative agreements

4 A big part of Plan S compliant articles will be articles in subscription journals that are covered by transformative agreements

5 What are transformative agreements?

6 Hybrid Journals Closed Access No free reading Subscription journals with an Open Access option for individual articles Authors decide if they want to make their articles OA Most subscription journals offer an OA option (Springer Open Choice, Wiley Online Open …) Mixed Content: Closed Access and OA articles in one journal First a short definition of the term hybrid journal in the context of OA …… That means: authors can decide if they want to publish OA or not BUT in many cases this also means that they have to pay APCs for the publishing of their articles – although the number of OA journals without APCs is growing particulary in the field of natural science and medicine the dominant business model is the APC model Today …. So the result is that we find mixed content in a lot of journals, namley

7 Transformative agreement in the context of Plan S
Is an OA deal between institutions/funders and publishers Goal: full OA transition (“journal flipping”) Move from subscription payments towards pay-as-you publish As shown by Ralf Schimmer et al. (2015 whitepaper) – “there is enough money in the system”* So what are transformative agreements in the context of Plan S and how could or should transformative agreement change the current situation? *Schimmer, R., Geschuhn, K. K., & Vogler, A. (2015). Disrupting the subscription journals’ business model for the necessary large-scale transformation to open access. doi: /1.3.

8 Although there is enough money in the system on a global level, there are obstacles on a national and institutional level -

9 One of these obstacles - `double dipping´
One of these obstacles - `double dipping´ Univ. 1 Subscription fees + APCs Hybrid journal with double dipping Univ. 2 Subscription fees + APCs Univ. 3 Subscription fees APC … Article Processing Charge As publishers want to be seen as non double dipping publishers, they have introduced a business model, called „global reduction“. So what do they mean by global reduction? While each publisher has its own policy, we have illustrated one of the more common methods in the 2nd box. Publishers have look at the OA output in a given journal, calculate income generated by these articles and reduce their global subscription fees accordingly. What does this mean for libraries paying the subscription fees? Let‘s have a look at the second box again: you represent Univ. 1 or 2: your subscription fees might be slightly lower, or more likely, your increase might be slightly lower than the years before, however, you will still continue to pay for APCs and as a result, the total costs will become potentially too high. Only Inst. 3 that does not invest in OA will benefit from the global reduction. And we do not find this system fair and therefore we always seek a reduction on a national or institutional level. Elsevier has a different model. They state that they only charge subscription fees for the closed access articles. However, as Elsevier continues to publish more and more articles, the subscription fees continue to increase AND universities supporting OA have to keep on paying APCs on top of subscription fees. The end result is the same as with the other model: only institutions who do not invest in OA are the winners.

10 Double Dipping cont.’d - Subscription Fees and APCs

11 To avoid “double dipping”
Why did Austria start negotiating OA agreements in 2014? To avoid “double dipping” To support our researchers – ex.: FWF OA mandate 1st transformative agreement in the world with IOP Requirement in Austria: must be cost neutral on a national level Key players in Austria So what are transformative agreements in the context of Plan S and how could or should transformative agreement change the current situation?

12 Open Access Agreements at Univie

13 Case study: Springer Compact Deal Austria
Change from Closed Access to Open Access since 2016 across the consortium

14 Plan S preparedness at the University of Vienna in 2019
Current OA publishing agreements applied to 2016 publishing output 3% 43% 54% Analysis of actual 2019 publishing outcomes will be carried out in 2020 Based on 2016 (WoS, Scopus). Articles and Review papers Raw data provided by

15 Which articles are affected under Plan S?
Papers resulting from research projects fully or partially funded by FWF or other Plan S signatories implementation period - from January 1, 2020, funders will only apply this to new grants or new calls for grants Now let me come back to more recent developments in OA that concerns the universities: Plan S Plan S is an initiative for OA Publishing with the goal to make full and immediate OA a reality in the very near future. Plan S was launched by the coalition S requirying that scientific publications which result ……

16 Articles affected at University of Vienna
Approx. 26% of articles published mentioned FWF as funder Further 1% of other Plan S funded articles Based on 2016 (WoS, Scopus). Univie Corresponding Authors Raw data provided by

17 How can we help? Open Access Office at the University of Vienna
Funding for publishing in fully OA journals OA publishing agreements Institutional repository Support & Advice

18 Thank you! Questions?

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