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Unit 5 – political participation

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1 Unit 5 – political participation

2 Identify 2 factors that affect voter turnout
Individual choice State laws

3 State voter registration laws Procedures on how, when, & where to vote
When it comes to state laws, there are several structural barriers that affect voter turnout (mpa-3.c.1) State voter registration laws Procedures on how, when, & where to vote

4 Mid-term (Congressional) General POTUS elections
Which type of election below typically enjoys a greater voter turnout & why? (mpa-3.c.1) More prestige for the POTUS, only 1/3 of the members of both Houses are up for reelection during any one midterm election; it is more difficult to find out where all of the national, state, & local candidates stand on the issues than having to figure out who to vote for for POTUS, many voters are not knowledgeable and/or aware of who is running in midterm elections Mid-term (Congressional) General POTUS elections

5 What is political efficacy & how does it impact voter turnout. (mpa-3
What is political efficacy & how does it impact voter turnout? (mpa-3.c.2) Our faith/trust in gov’t. The greater the political efficacy… The higher the voter turnout

6 What demographic trends affect voter turnout? (mpa-3.c.2)
These demographic characteristics tend to exhibit lower voter turnout (explain why) Minority Americans (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans) Lower socioeconomic classes (working class, poor) Younger Americans (under 30) Males

7 What factors influence who we vote for? (mpa-3.c.3)
Party identification & ideological orientation Candidate characteristics Contemporary political issues Religious beliefs/affiliation Gender Race & ethnicity

8 (mpa-3.c.3) in-class activity (5pts.)
Directions – individually or in pairs, complete the following questions on the same notebook paper that you completed these ppt. notes

9 (mpa-3.c.3) in-class activity
1. Which of the following best describes a trend in the line graph above? a.) The ‘White, Non-Hispanics’ demographic has maintained a higher voter turnout in POTUS elections than any other demographic from 1972 to 2012 b.) Every demographic illustrated above has shown a steady rise in voter turnout for POTUS elections from 1972 to 2012 c.) ‘Asian, Non-Hispanics’ have a higher voter turnout in POTUS elections from 1972 to 2012, than any other demographic d.) The ‘Black, Non-Hispanics’ & ‘Latinos’ Demographics both saw similar spikes & drops in voter turnout for POTUS elections from 1972 to 2012

10 (mpa-3.c.3) in-class activity
2. Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on a comparison of the trends in the line graph above & your knowledge of voter behavior? a.) Minority Americans, on average, have shown higher voter turnout than ‘White, Non-Hispanics’ in POTUS elections from 1972 to 2012 b.) ‘Asian, Non-Hispanics’ tend to have a higher voter turnout for POTUS elections during years where a Republican wins the presidency c.) More Americans are voting today for POTUS elections than in the last 40 years d.) Regardless of demographic, younger voters (18-29) turned out in higher numbers for the POTUS election to vote for a Democratic president in 1992 & 2008

11 (mpa-3.c.3) in-class activity
3. Based on the infographic, which of the following claims would an opponent of state voter-ID laws most likely make? a.) Voter-ID laws are likely to decrease turnout among African American voters because they are less likely to have gov’t.-issued IDs. b.) Voter turnout will likely decrease by 10% if voters are required to present a gov’t.- issued ID to vote c.) Voter-ID laws will likely decrease election fraud, which will increase voter confidence in institutions & thereby increase turnout d.) African American voters who don’t have gov’t.-issued IDs are likely to participate at the grassroots level & exert influence through channels other than turning out to vote

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