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Philosophy 1100 Title: Critical Reasoning Instructor: Paul Dickey

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy 1100 Title: Critical Reasoning Instructor: Paul Dickey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy 1100 Title: Critical Reasoning Instructor: Paul Dickey
Address: Website: Today: Re-submit Your Editorial Essay Finish Your Presentations on Rhetoric & Chap 5 Discussion Midterm Exam (Chapters 1-3 & 5) Next class (7/14/14): Discuss Midterm Exams Be sure you have read Chapter Six Portfolio Assignment #4 Second Editorial Analysis Due --- Instant Democracy is Never Doable 1

2 Student Portfolios: Assignment #4
What is Clarity and why is it important? When is vagueness and ambiguity a problem?   Collect 2-3 “artifacts” that illustrated either you or someone else not being clear “enough.”         For each, write a description or explanation of the occasion and how things could have been made more clear. What problem did it cause? What was done, if anything, to resolve it? (1-2 paragraphs each)

3 Persuasion Through Rhetoric
Chapter Five: Persuasion Through Rhetoric 3

4 Can you recognize rhetoric?
Rhetoric tries to persuade through use of the emotional power of language and is an art in itself. Though it can be psychologically influential, rhetoric has no logical strength. Rhetoric does not make your argument any better, even if it convinces everyone. Can you recognize rhetoric? 4

5 Persuasion Through Rhetoric
Chapter Five: Persuasion Through Rhetoric Presenters: Zechariah: Euphemisms and Dysphemisms Jaime: Rhetorical Analogies, Definitions, and Explanations Tracy: Stereotypes & Image Rhetoric Jacquie: Innuendos Jonathan: Loaded Questions & Rhetorical Questions Anthony: Weaseling & Minimizing Amber: Ridicule / Sarcasm & Hyperbole Emmanuel: Proof Surrogates In your presentation, you must define your rhetoric type, give examples, and distinguish it from other types of rhetoric that are similar. I encourage you to use powerpoint slides in your presentation if possible, but it is not necessary. 5

6 Never drive in a storm without wiper blades.

7 & Never go into the fierce storms of an argument without your
WIPER SHIELD to protect you from the evil forms of rhetoric devices: W easeling, I nnuendo, P roof Surrogates E xplanations, Analogies & Definitions (Rhetorical) R idicule/Sarcasm S tereotypes H yperbole I mage Rhetoric E uphemisms/Dysphemisms L oaded Questions, and D ownplaying/Minimizing 7

This movie makes a passionate statement exploring racism in Omaha in the 1960’s. As you watch this movie, you may be tempted to think this movie is ONLY about that. As such, it clearly is a moving experience. But as you watch this movie, I want you also to consider and evaluate what it suggests about the nature of critical thinking and its necessity in our lives and society.

9 Movie Discussion (if time available) &
Assignment Due on the Last Night of Class Write one page ARGUMENT (complete with a clear claim and strong relevant premises) giving your view what this movie says on the issue of whether and/or how critical thinking is or is not important in your life. 9

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