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Relativistic heavy ion collisions

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Presentation on theme: "Relativistic heavy ion collisions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relativistic heavy ion collisions
wan ahmad tajuddin wan abdullah jabatan fizik universiti malaya

2 Hot dense nuclear matter
Quark-gluon plasma Hot dense nuclear matter

3 CERN 17 GeV/ nucleon Pb LBL 1-2 GeV/ nucleon JINR 6 GeV/ nucleon BNL BNL 200 GeV/ nucleon pair Cu, Au, U CERN 2.76 TeV/ nucleon pair Pb

4 why condition in first microseconds in hot Big Bang
QCD state at high temperatures Hadronization (~ confinement)

5 Typical temperature range –
T = 300 MeV/k = 3.3 x 1012 K 10,000 x greater than in center of Sun Corresponding energy density – e =10 GeV/ fm3 Corresponding relativistic matter pressure – P ≈ e/3 = 0.52 x 1031 bar

6 Strangeness enhancement
high temperature → strangeness enhanced Statistics: particle ratios → Tch , mB at chemical freezeout Experimental: 160 MeV < Tch < 180 MeV cf. expected QCD phase transition value ~170 MeV (lattice QCD calculations)

7 Heavy quarkonium suppression
hot and deconfined medium – quarkonia (cf naked flavours) expected to “melt”

8 Jet quenching images courtesy CERN
coloured particles damped in coloured media

9 Elliptic flow Collective anisotropy thermalization, hydrodynamics liquid-like

10 Colour glass condensate
BFKL dynamics – saturation at Q2s ~ <Npart>/2 expect nch/A ~ 1/as(Q2s)

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