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Welcome to SOCI 2160 Marriage and the Family Spring Term 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to SOCI 2160 Marriage and the Family Spring Term 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to SOCI 2160 Marriage and the Family Spring Term 2011
Metropolitan Community College Fort Omaha Tuesday and Thursday 2 – 3:55 p.m.

2 Agenda for Class #2 Finish Film clips Chapter 1
Theoretical perspectives Research Methods Scenarios

3 Facts about Choices Not to decide is to decide
Some choices require corrections Choices involve trade-offs Choices involve a positive or negative view Choices involve different decision-making styles Most choices are revocable; some are not Choices are influenced by one’s stage in the life cycle


5 Social Structure Micro-components = statuses Macro-components = groups
Web of status and role relationships among individuals, groups and societies Micro-components = statuses Macro-components = groups

6 Roles Expected behavior Often related to norms
Tied to the positions we fill: Student, father, employee, etc.

7 Status Positions Achieved - earned by personal “effort”
Ascribed - assigned Master - identity, consumes your energy

8 Social Group Collection of statuses Regular interaction
Agree on important goals and norms Feeling of belonging Distinction between members and nonmembers

9 These Are Not Groups Aggregate
collection of persons in the same place at the same time Category collection of persons who share common characteristics

10 The Nature of Groups Varies: Continuum
Voluntary Informal Primary Horizontal Involuntary (Coercive) Formal (Bureaucratic) Secondary Vertical

11 Group Variation based on degree of attachment Social distance
In-groups vs.Out-groups Reference groups evaluate progress

12 Institution System of statuses, roles, groups and behavioral patterns that satisfies basic human needs Necessary for the survival of a society Socio-cultural structure and process that guides human interaction in relation to important societal tasks

13 Institutions Examples Marriage Family Education Religion Polity
Economy New ones emerge: Healthcare Sport

14 Society Largest, most nearly self-sufficient organization to which you can belong People who share a culture process of patterned interactions

15 Three Basic Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Structural functionalism Organic analogy Consensus on the norms of society Manifest, latent and dysfunctional aspects Conflict theory Competition for resources and power Change Symbolic interactionism Socially shared meanings

16 Theoretical Frameworks for Marriage and the Family
Structural-Functional Views the family as an institution with values, norms, and activities meant to provide stability for the larger society. Conflict Recognizes that family members have different goals and values that result in conflict.

17 Theoretical Frameworks for Marriage and the Family
Symbolic Interaction The process of interpersonal interaction. Feminist Women and men will experience life differently because there are different expectations for the respective genders.

18 Theoretical Frameworks for Marriage and the Family
Family life Course Development Emphasizes the process of how families change over time. Systems Framework The basic premise is that each member of the family is part of a system and the family as a unit develops norms of interacting, which may be explicit or implied.

19 Theoretical Frameworks for Marriage and the Family
Human ecology The study of ecosystems, or the interaction of families with their environment. Biosocial Framework Emphasizes the interaction of one’s biological/genetic inheritance with one’s social environment to explain and predict human behavior.

20 Scientific Method Identify and define the problem Formulate hypothesis
Select a population and sample Identify the research design Collect and analyze the data Report results

21 Hypothesis Statement of the relationship presumed to exist between the variables What the researcher predicts will be found Correlation – two events vary together Causation – one event causes the other to happen Variables Independent – influencing variable; cause Dependent – result; what is counted; effect

22 Sample Hypothesis Age of individual will influence his/her concept of the ideal wedding. Younger individuals will prefer more adventurous and/or larger weddings. IV = age of individual DV = concept of ideal wedding; size of wedding; adventurous quality of the wedding

23 Family scenarios

24 Assignment for Wednesday
Chapter 2 – Gender

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