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In God, My Faithful God Hymn #438 AUF MEINEN LIEBEN GOTT

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1 In God, My Faithful God Hymn #438 AUF MEINEN LIEBEN GOTT
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #438 In God, My Faithful God Text: attr. Sigismund Weingärtner, 17th cent. AUF MEINEN LIEBEN GOTT Tune: Kurtzweilige teutsche Lieder, 1576, alt. PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #438 - In God, My Faithful God
I trust when dark my road; Though many woes o'ertake me, Yet he will not forsake me. Though heavy griefs are pressing, He'll turn them into blessing.

3 #438 - In God, My Faithful God
[2] My sins assail me sore, But I despair no more. I build on Christ, who loves me; From this rock nothing moves me. To him I all surrender, To him, my soul's defender.

4 #438 - In God, My Faithful God
[3] If death my portion be, Then death is gain for me And Christ my life forever, From whom death cannot sever. Come when it may, he'll shield me; To him I gladly yield me.

5 #438 - In God, My Faithful God
[4] "So be it, then," I say With all my heart each day. We, too, dear Lord, adore you; We sing for joy before you. Guide us while here we wander Until we praise you yonder.

6 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: Public Domain Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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