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ENGLISH I Junction City Freshmen Success Academy Supplies:

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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH I Junction City Freshmen Success Academy Supplies:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGLISH I Junction City Freshmen Success Academy Supplies:
Class rules: attend class regularly and punctually. be courteous and open-minded with each other. keep classroom clean; pick up after yourself and return all materials. use computers only as directed by the teacher. Late Policy: Late assignments turned in during the current unit will receive no higher than a 60%. When the unit ends, all missing assignments become 0’s in the gradebook. Grade Determination: Your effort and success on homework, quizzes, tests, daily writing, essays, and class participation will determine your grade. In other words, everything you do in this class counts toward your grade. Supplies: Grades are updated weekly online at on Skyward. You will find that completing the homework will greatly improve your overall grade. The grading scale for the English department is as follows: A: 100%-90% B: 89%-80% C: 79%-70% D: 69%-60% F: below 60% paper pencils/pens (blue/black) folder or binder ENGLISH I Junction City Freshmen Success Academy Mr. Hancock HOMEWORK The amount of homework turned in should be 100%. Work is due on the due date. When homework consists of reading, it is necessary that it is completed, as material will be covered on quizzes and/or unit tests. It is statistically impossible to pass this class without regularly turning in homework and completing in-class work. When you are given time in class to work on an assignment, you are expected to use it. Course Overview: This course will provide students with the reading and writing skills necessary to advance to the next level of English. English I focuses on literary selections from a broad range of sources including: Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, short stories, poetry, novels, and nonfiction. Class writing includes compositions, essay responses, a research assignment, and out-of-class writing.

2 I have read and understand the course guide.
English 1 Course Guide I have read and understand the course guide. _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date

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