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Closing Report Date: Authors: September 2007 September 2007

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Presentation on theme: "Closing Report Date: Authors: September 2007 September 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing Report Date: 2007-09-21 Authors: September 2007 September 2007
doc.: IEEE /2606r0 September 2007 Closing Report Date: Authors: Stephen McCann, NSN Stephen McCann, NSN

2 September 2007 doc.: IEEE /2606r0 September 2007 Abstract Closing report for TGu Interworking with External Networks for September 2007, Waikoloa, Hawai’i, USA Stephen McCann, NSN Stephen McCann, NSN

3 Technical Presentations
September 2007 doc.: IEEE /2606r0 September 2007 Review of August 2007 Ad Hoc u-august-2007-ad-hoc-meeting-minutes-helsinki-finland.doc Motion passed to re-confirm LB comments Technical Presentations 9 submissions to resolve LB comments Comment Resolution Not complete this week 925 Technical (~600 resolved so far) 1368 Editorial Liaisons Discussed liaisons issues regarding IETF EMU/ECRIT and 3GPP Stephen McCann, NSN Stephen McCann, NSN

4 Liaisons Carrier Liaison (GSMA, ATIS WTSC, CDG,) 3GPP SA1 3GPP SA2
September 2007 doc.: IEEE /2606r0 September 2007 Liaisons Carrier Liaison (GSMA, ATIS WTSC, CDG,) carrier-liaison-contacts.doc Ask about sensitivities of external network discovery information network name (MCC, MNC) network identifiers (NAI, Realm) services (Cost: currency, unit, value) location information (Cell ID, Lat/Long, Civic) 3GPP SA1 ls-to-SA1-AP-identifier.doc response to their liaison (June 2007), regarding use of TGu HESSID as a AP identifier. Response states that HESSID is unique, but not secure. 3GPP SA2 ls-to-SA2-future-co-operation.doc feedback to TGu’s attendance at SA2 meeting in Helsinki in August Express our disappointment, but encourage further co-operation Stephen McCann, NSN Stephen McCann, NSN

5 Ad Hoc Teleconferences Plans for November 2007
September 2007 doc.: IEEE /2606r0 September 2007 Ad Hoc Ad Hoc : October 22nd – 24th ,San Clara, CA, USA MIH Support GAS Comment Resolution Teleconferences 16th October 2007 : 22:00 ET 2nd November 2007 : 10:00 ET Plans for November 2007 Complete Comment Resolution Liaison update Re-circulation Letter Ballot Stephen McCann, NSN Stephen McCann, NSN

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