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Electric Circuits I (EELE 2310)

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Presentation on theme: "Electric Circuits I (EELE 2310)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electric Circuits I (EELE 2310)

2 Electric Power Engineering
Assad Abu-Jasser, PhD Electric Power Engineering

3 Inductance, Capacitance and Mutual Inductance
Chapter Six Inductance, Capacitance and Mutual Inductance

4 The Inductor ʋ≡ voltage in Volts (V) L≡ inductance in Henry (H)
i ≡ current in Amperes (A)

5 Example 6-1 Determine the Voltage, Given the Current
The independent current source in the circuit shown generates zero current for t˂0 and a pulse 10te-5t A, for t˃0. Sketch the current waveform. At what instant of time the current is maximum? Express the voltage across the terminals of the 100 mH inductor as a function of time. Sketch the voltage waveform. Are the voltage and the current at a maximum at the same time? At what instant of time does the voltage change polarity? Is there ever an instantaneous change in the voltage across the inductor? If so, at what time? i=0 t˂0 i=10te-5t t˃0 e) no f) at 0.2 s g) yes, at t=0

6 Current in an Inductor In terms of the Voltage Across the Inductor

7 Example 6-2 Determine the Current, Given the Voltage
ʋ=20te-10t t˃0 The voltage pulse applied to the 100 mH inductor is 0 for t˂0 and given by the expression ʋ(t)=20te-10t V, for t˃0. Also assume ʋ=0 for t ≤ 0. Sketch the voltage as a function of time. Find the inductor current as a function of time. Sketch the current as a function of time.

8 Power and Energy in The Inductor

9 Example 6-3 Determine the Current, Voltage, Power, and Energy
The independent current source in the circuit shown generates zero current for t˂0 and a pulse 10te-5t A, for t˃0. Plot i, ʋ, p, and ω versus time. In what time interval is energy being stored in the inductor? In what time interval is energy being extracted from the inductor? What is the maximum energy stored in the inductor? Evaluate the integral Repeat (a)-(c) for a voltage pulse of ʋ(t)=20te-10t V, for t˃0 and ʋ=0 for t ≤ 0. In (f), why is there a sustained current in the inductor as the voltage approaches zero? ʋ=0 t≤0 ʋ=20te-10t t˃0 i=0 t≤0 i=10te-5t t˃0

10 The Capacitor ʋ≡ voltage in Volts (V) C≡ capacitance in farad (F)
i ≡ current in Amperes (A)

11 Example 6-4 Determine the Current, Power, and Energy
The voltage pulse described by the following equation is impressed across the terminals of a 0.5 µF capacitor: Derive expression for the capacitor current, power, and energy. Sketch the voltage, current, power, and energy as functions of time. Line up the plots vertically. Specify the interval of time when energy is being stored in the capacitor. Specify the interval of time when energy is being delivered by the capacitor. Evaluate the integrals

12 Example 6-5 Determine the Voltage, Power, and Energy
An uncharged 0.2 µF capacitor id driven by a triangular current pulse. The current pulse is described by: Derive the expressions for the capacitor voltage, power, and energy for each of the four time intervals needed to describe the current. Plot i, Ʋ, p, and ω versus t. Align the plots vertically. Why does the voltage remain on the capacitor after the current returns to zero?

13 Summary

14 Series-Parallel Combination Inductances in Series

15 Series-Parallel Combination Inductance in Parallel

16 Series-Parallel Combination Capacitance in Series

17 Series-Parallel Combination Capacitance in Parallel

18 Mutual Inductance

19 Dot Convention of Mutually Coupled Coils
When the reference direction for a current enters the dotted terminal of a coil, the reference polarity of the voltage that it induces in the other coil is positive at its dotted terminal When the reference direction for a current leaves the dotted terminal of a coil, the reference polarity of the voltage that it induces in the other coil is negative at its dotted terminal

20 Procedure for Determining Dot Markings

21 Example 6.6 Mesh-current for Magnetically Coupled Circuits
Write a set of mesh-current equation that describe the circuit in terms of the currents i1 and i2. Verify that if there is no energy stored in the circuit at t=0 and if ig=16-16e-5t A, the solutions for i1 and i2 are:

22 Review of Self-Inductance

23 The Concept of Mutual Inductance

24 Mutual Inductance In Terms of Self-Inductance

25 End of Chapter Six

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