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LA Access 2016-2017 Final.

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Presentation on theme: "LA Access 2016-2017 Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 LA Access Final

2 Directions Respond to the following questions with honesty and authenticity. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation. Make sure you respond to the question in its entirety. If you need more than one slide to answer the question, feel free to do so. You can use as many slides as necessary. Include a picture on each slide that represents your answer. Feel free to change the presentation format to one that you prefer. When you are done, your presentation to me.

3 1. What did you find most challenging about 1st semester?

4 2. What are you most proud of?

5 3. What are some things about which you are most disappointed?

6 4. What are some things you would do differently in you had 1st semester to do over?

7 5. Describe one goal you wish to accomplish 2nd semester
5. Describe one goal you wish to accomplish 2nd semester. How will you reach this goal?

8 6. Is there a correlation between your effort and your grades?

9 7. How can your attitude impact your grades?

10 8. How do your grades impact your future career choices?

11 9. Discuss three successes of 1st semester.

12 10. How can you maintain these successes 2nd semester? (metacognition)

13 11. Discuss three challenges of 1st semester.

14 12. What strategies can you use to improve on your challenges
12. What strategies can you use to improve on your challenges? (cognitive flexibility)

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