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Professionalism for Physicians and Scientists

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Presentation on theme: "Professionalism for Physicians and Scientists"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalism for Physicians and Scientists
Washington University Medical School 2015

2 Welcome!

3 Why study professionalism?
Prevention: -vital concept in health care: prevent rather than deal with consequences of disease -equally important for adverse workplace behaviors

4 Simple behaviors can make mutual respect and teamwork function in your workplace
Failure to deal with unprofessional behavior? -legal liability -impaired ability to achieve missions of the school

5 Course objectives Turn to page 1 and chart 1

6 What are the business objectives of WUSM?

7 What qualities are needed in employees to meet WUSM’s business objectives?

8 Video: co-worker interaction. Note thoughts on Page 2.

9 Benefit to WUSM of these behaviors?
Thoughts? Detriments to WUSM of these behaviors?

10 Exercise: page 3 Group 1: How should the employees in the video handle this behavior Group 2: How should their manage handle this behavior?

11 Real quotes “We work together like 3- year-olds play together. We work NEXT to each other but not WITH each other…People are minimally cooperative…but not collaborative at all.” “For 12 hours a day, we take care of their patients, and we’re disrespected and degraded in front of each other.” “When four out of five people on your team are scared of you, they’ll start to make mistakes…” “We’re losing our best…residents because they don’t want to put up with it.” “The fear is terrible for patient care.”

12 What are the consequences of unprofessional behavior?

13 Uncivil Behavior Triangle (Page 4, poster)

14 How prevalent is bad behavior in health care? very
What is the impact on patient care? threat Page 5

15 Joint Commission standards page 6
Statement regarding Disruptive Behavior (page 6) To assure quality and to promote a culture of safety, health care organizations must address the problem of behaviors that threaten the performance of the health care team. Leadership Standards for Inappropriate Behavior: Organization must have a code of conduct Leaders must create and implement a process for managing disruptive and inappropriate behaviors.

16 ACGME expectations/WUSM Mission Statement (page 7)
One of six core competencies is “interpersonal and communications skills that result in effective information exchange and teaming with patients, their families, and other health professionals.” WUSM will lead in advancing human health…in a culture that supports diversity, inclusion, critical thinking, and creativity.”

17 How can we maintain these standards? (page 8)
Civil Treatment Leader Actions (see poster)

18 Prescriptive Rules (page 9, poster)
1. Model Professional Behavior Consistently 2. Be Mindful of the Impact of Words and Actions 3. Focus on Behavior 4. Document 5. Get Help

19 How to Model Professional Behavior? (page 10)
Lead by example Be mindful of what you say, how you say it, where you say it. Mistake? Admit and apologize

20 How to Be Mindful of Words and Actions? (page 11)
NO JOKES or COMMENTS about race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, pregnancy, genetic information, age, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic. Treat co-workers the same way you treat you would like to be treated and the same way you treat your patients. Do not participate in offensive or unwelcome activities. Physicians are seen as leaders: be mindful of words and actions of others to ensure a productive workplace

21 Focus on Behavior – (page 12)
Your own Others Document – (page 13) Only facts

22 Get Help (page 14) Call HR Call Research Administration
Call Compliance hotline Refer to WUSM Code of Conduct (page 45)

23 Video scenario: Inappropriate Mutual Banter (page 15)
Why is this banter a problem? Still a problem if no one else can hear? Ever been offended but not say anything? How can this contribute to medical errors?

24 Minimizing Risk (page 16)
Prescriptive Rules CT leader actions Minimizing Risk (page 16)

25 Thank you!

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