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Bad service in the hospital

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1 Bad service in the hospital
3rd Grade Unit 1 P1 I. Tick the statements if they are complaints (). 1. “There is a problem” 2. “I’ve never felt like this. Congratulations!” 3. “I’m sorry to say this, but the bathroom is dirty” 4. “There is no problem at all” 5. “I would like to complain about your staff” 6. “I don’t have any complaint to make” 7. “I have a complaint about your service” For more Free Worksheets, PowerPoint presentations and more visit now!

2 Bad service in the hospital
3rd Grade Unit 1 P1 II. Match the columns to make complaints. A. The doctor is always… B. The food in the… C. The hospital lost… D. The nurse treated me… E. The hospital staff use… F. The doctor prescribed me… G. It took two hours to… 1. ( ) my lab results. 2. ( ) late. 3. ( ) hospital is terrible. 4. ( ) the mobile phone all the time. 5. ( ) the wrong medication. 6. ( ) badly. 7. ( ) be triaged. For more Free Worksheets, PowerPoint presentations and more visit now!

3 Bad service in the hospital
3rd Grade Unit 1 P1 III. Write 3 complaints about a bad health service. Use the prompts given for each case. Example: (service / terrible / hospital) The service in the hospital is terrible.________  1.(room / dirty)___________________________________________________ 2. (nurse / rude)__________________________________________________ 3. (terrible / clean service ) _________________________________________ 4. (late / doctor / always)___________________________________________ For more Free Worksheets, PowerPoint presentations and more visit now!

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