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Quiz An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V. Its final speed is proportional to: A) V2 B) V C) V1/2 D) 1/V.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V. Its final speed is proportional to: A) V2 B) V C) V1/2 D) 1/V."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V. Its final speed is proportional to: A) V2 B) V C) V1/2 D) 1/V

2 Electric Potential from a point charge
Equipotential surfaces and electric fields are perpendicular

3 Multiple charges q3 r3 q2 r1 r2 q1
Remember, V is not a vector, so orientation is irrelevant!

4 Quiz Points R and T are each a distance d from each of two equal and opposite charges as shown. required to move a negative charge q from R to T is: A) kQq / (2d) B) kqQ / d C) kqQ / d2 D) zero

5 Getting the Electric Field from the Potential:1D

6 Getting the Electric Field from the Potential: Vector
E is a vector, and so let’s be explicit, in Cartesian coordinates

7 Getting the Electric Field from the Potential: Vector
Therefore, Or in unit-vector notation,

8 Vector Derivatives: Gradienmt in Cartesian Coordinates
Nambla: a vector derivative is the gradient of V .

9 Examples: Suppose

10 Potential and Field Note: the field can be zero at a point, without the potential being zero. In the middle of the ring the field is zero, however,

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