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Manson High School Schoolwide Improvement plan

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1 Manson High School Schoolwide Improvement plan 2018-2019
We envision a compassionate and challenging school environment where students are valued as individuals; stretched to achieve their full potential; understand and contribute to a world they live in; acquire the social skills to be successful in a complex and rapidly changing world; are well nourished, safe and nurtured. Manson Strong!

2 Building-wide support
Based on the Needs Assessment, the following will be continued and enhanced: PBL Directed Studies Dual Credit offerings Mentorship Increased time for staff collaboration Intentional focus on teaching academic vocabulary

3 ELA Data analysis and Plan
Spring SBA ELA Results : 41% (n=44)met Standard on SBA in 8th grade 50% (n=40) met Standard on SBA in 10th grade 64% (n=14) met Standard on SBA in 11th grade STAR Reading Results: Fall STAR data shows 28 Freshmen and 38 Sophomores needing reading intervention Action Plan Intentional Academic vocabulary instruction Differentiation of core to incorporate interventions trimester 1 and 2 Additional intervention classes third trimester Increased collaboration time between ELL/ELA staff Focused collaboration on student data gathered from the STAR assessment and teacher developed assessments.

4 Math Data analysis and Plan
Spring SBA Results: 23% (n=44) of our students met Standard on SBA in 8th grade 18% (n=39) of our students met Standard on SBA in 10th grade STAR Math Results: STAR data demonstrated that several students in Algebra need support with basic math facts Action Plan: Fall SAT prep course as a means to meet the graduation requirement Differentiation of core to incorporate interventions trimester 1 and 2 Train staff member in the implementation and scoring of the COE/LAA Implement COE/LAA class Trimester 3 Redesign Trimester 2 and 3 to increase core and intervention offerings

5 Science Data analysis and Plan
35% (n=43)of our students met Standard on WCAS in 8th grade 56% (n=36) of our students met Standard on WCAS in 10th grade 50% (n=44) of our students met Standard on WCAS in 11th grade Action Plan: Focus on Science Vocabulary acquisition Provide training/increase implementation of GLAD strategies Increased collaboration to adjust instruction to student needs Cross curricular alignment/integration with ELA to teach standards for both ELA and Science

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