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DEcad::αCat rescues of α-Cat mutant defects.

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1 DEcad::αCat rescues of α-Cat mutant defects.
DEcad::αCat rescues of α-Cat mutant defects. (A–F) The MARCM system was used to express αCat::HA, DEcad or DEcad::αCat in α-Cat mutant cells in the FE. α-Cat mutant cells are positively marked with GFP (blue). (A) Expression of HA-tagged α-Catenin completely rescues α-Cat defects. Transgenic α-Catenin detected with HA antibodies localizes to AJs. (B) Expression of DEcad does not rescue α-Cat mutant cells marked by α-Spectrin (α-Spec) aggregates. DEcad shows a cytoplasmic punctate distribution. (C) DEcad::αCat fully rescues defects in α-Cat mutant cells. DEcad::αCat localizes to the plasma membrane and prominent cytoplasmic puncta. (D–F) Migration of border cells (arrows) that lack endogenous α-Catenin is rescued by expression of transgenic α-Catenin (n=10) (D), expression of DEcad::αCat (n=10) (F), but not by expression of DEcad (n=5) (E). α-Cat mutant centripetal cells migrate normally when expressing DEcad::αCat (arrowheads in F). Scale bars: 10 μm (A–C″), 50 μm (D–F). Ritu Sarpal et al. J Cell Sci 2012;125: © 2012.

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