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Remodeling CourseWorks: Web Services Explained

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1 Remodeling CourseWorks: Web Services Explained
Presenters: Dan Beeby and Jonah Bossewitch See how Really Simple Syndication (RSS), tagging, and other Web services can easily add a new dimension to course Web sites.

2 “Web services” = a ton of jargon
web servis [web ‘servis] - noun: open-standard-based Web applications that exchange and process data. The results can be formatted for user-friendly presentation in different modes. NYT  XML/RSS  HTML/JS HUH??

3 RSS Revealed email, mobile, Palm, iPod, desktop, etc …
Following WHAT?? We show google rss example… you can do this in another way.. Bring the RSS content into your site rather than teaching them something new and sending students out to get it. (breakfast in bed instead over room service) , mobile, Palm, iPod, desktop, etc …

4 “Web Services”: a history
“easy” to change and easier to change, deliver content, little feedback or interactivity

5 “Web Services”: a history
input AND output, delivery, feeds

6 “Web Services”: a future
queries against tags, decentralized, distributed research, automatic, community-based content delivery/sifting

7 “Web Services”: some variations
RSS (syndication, subscription) Tagging Photo sharing Social bookmarking By whom, for whom, and why (folksonomies - describing something in my own terms) The whole is suddenly more than the sum of parts By whom for whom (different thoughts on the same objects), different objects for the same thoughts and finding other interested/interesting people (more about other’s thought process)… dialectic conversation with people. (data--> dialogue)

8 Where does my course site fit in?
hot rod n. Slang. An automobile that has been rebuilt or modified to increase its speed and acceleration. These new technologies don’t mean that the old stuff isn't useful anymore (USE SAFARI) Show javascript pulling in NPR feed. Dboard, another feed with only a couple of items in it, students’ assignment is to report on bias… this is a way to ensure variety Syllabus Austin photos… show flickr page and rss toggle (in Safari) SWITCH TO FIREFOX Syllabus TV and Youth Blog (show how it can create a PDF)

9 RSS Revealed email, mobile, Palm, iPod, desktop, etc …
Following WHAT?? We show google rss example… you can do this in another way.. Bring the RSS content into your site rather than teaching them something new and sending students out to get it. (breakfast in bed instead over room service) , mobile, Palm, iPod, desktop, etc …

10 Demo Following WHAT?? We show google rss example… you can do this in another way.. Bring the RSS content into your site rather than teaching them something new and sending students out to get it. (breakfast in bed instead over room service)

11 Balance "Striking the balance between push and pull” Choice: How do students want to get info? How do you want to deliver it?

12 how will students engage with information and each other?
Classroom Dynamics how will students engage with information and each other? how structured will participation be? How infor is delivered, how class is structured Lecture style vs seminar style, do you want people raising their hands or speaking out?

13 Purposeful Choices: we haven't fully considered the range of uses... you'll help us do that with your needs.

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